Fencing Problem!

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
Have the goats cleared the thorn bushes?

In their pasture, yes...not a live tree or bush left in their pen, :lol:

(When I say thorn trees, I'm talking the big locust trees that get the 2-6" spikes on them...)

Problem is our property is 18 acres...of mostly thorn trees. Their pasture is only 3 acres.


Overrun with beasties
Sep 15, 2009
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I have a tree that they will be pastured with like that. Its dead but the thorns are SHARP! Ive stepped on a fallen branch that pierced through my heel.. I was dragging myself back to house after that one!


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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I had to cut a tunnel through an osage orange tree's canopy with a chainsaw to run my line fence. The trunk was on the neighbor's property, and I really really didn't want to have to cut the whole thing down and dispose of it anyway.. So, I just started cutting what was in my way.

When I was done, it was a tunnel. :D

I was out deer hunting this season and a buck walked up to the line fence to sniff noses with a doe on my side, just down from the tunnel.. He wasn't a legal kill since he was on the neighbor's land, and she was too little, so I just watched them. She walked up the fenceline around the limbs that hang out over my side, but he actually walked through the tunnel to meet her.

I went down later to see where he'd walked and found that the deer actually have a path beaten down in there.. I'm sure they go in there during the summer for shade and browse.

Kinda neat, I thought.. :)


Overrun with beasties
Sep 15, 2009
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:DThat is kinda neat!


Overrun with beasties
Sep 15, 2009
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What is the difference in THIS electric wire, Aluminized, and galvanized?


Honestly, what gage do I need? I have read 17 works and I have read that 12 1/2 works.

Im planning on getting 2 smaller - medium sized breed does (No bucks for me!) and only keeping them till they mow down the small area Im putting them in.

Also Id like to to be more "portable" for when I get a pig (why Im getting goats to clear a pasture for a pig) so I can move it around to creat a large garden.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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SarahFair said:
What is the difference in THIS electric wire, Aluminized, and galvanized?
That's polyrope.. Or, polystrand, or polywire, depending on who you talk to. Basically, it's sorta like a thin (3/16", maybe?) polyethylene twine with super thin strands of aluminum braided in. The aluminum strands carry the current.


Honestly, what gage do I need? I have read 17 works and I have read that 12 1/2 works.

Im planning on getting 2 smaller - medium sized breed does (No bucks for me!) and only keeping them till they mow down the small area Im putting them in.
The size of the animal isn't the concern, because electric fencing isn't a physical barrier. It's purely psychological. Since there's no physical pressure on the fence, whatever they learn to respect will work, regardless of the breaking strength.

Also Id like to to be more "portable" for when I get a pig (why Im getting goats to clear a pasture for a pig) so I can move it around to creat a large garden.
I'd definitely suggest the polyrope, then. Aluminum and galvanized wire each have 'memory'...if you bend them, the bend stays. I've never been successful at re-using aluminum wire, and I've never used galv because it's too dang heavy for temporary fencing.

The polywire is light, totally flexible like twine or string, and you'll have a much better chance of being able to re-use it.

If ever you plan to install a permanent electric fence, though...I'd highly suggest going with 12-1/2ga triple-galv hi-tensile.


Overrun with beasties
Sep 15, 2009
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cmjust0 said:
SarahFair said:
What is the difference in THIS electric wire, Aluminized, and galvanized?
That's polyrope.. Or, polystrand, or polywire, depending on who you talk to. Basically, it's sorta like a thin (3/16", maybe?) polyethylene twine with super thin strands of aluminum braided in. The aluminum strands carry the current.


Honestly, what gage do I need? I have read 17 works and I have read that 12 1/2 works.

Im planning on getting 2 smaller - medium sized breed does (No bucks for me!) and only keeping them till they mow down the small area Im putting them in.
The size of the animal isn't the concern, because electric fencing isn't a physical barrier. It's purely psychological. Since there's no physical pressure on the fence, whatever they learn to respect will work, regardless of the breaking strength.

Also Id like to to be more "portable" for when I get a pig (why Im getting goats to clear a pasture for a pig) so I can move it around to creat a large garden.
I'd definitely suggest the polyrope, then. Aluminum and galvanized wire each have 'memory'...if you bend them, the bend stays. I've never been successful at re-using aluminum wire, and I've never used galv because it's too dang heavy for temporary fencing.

The polywire is light, totally flexible like twine or string, and you'll have a much better chance of being able to re-use it.

If ever you plan to install a permanent electric fence, though...I'd highly suggest going with 12-1/2ga triple-galv hi-tensile.

So if I use the polywire will it still deliver the same shock value as the others?


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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SarahFair said:
cmjust0 said:
SarahFair said:
What is the difference in THIS electric wire, Aluminized, and galvanized?
That's polyrope.. Or, polystrand, or polywire, depending on who you talk to. Basically, it's sorta like a thin (3/16", maybe?) polyethylene twine with super thin strands of aluminum braided in. The aluminum strands carry the current.


Honestly, what gage do I need? I have read 17 works and I have read that 12 1/2 works.

Im planning on getting 2 smaller - medium sized breed does (No bucks for me!) and only keeping them till they mow down the small area Im putting them in.
The size of the animal isn't the concern, because electric fencing isn't a physical barrier. It's purely psychological. Since there's no physical pressure on the fence, whatever they learn to respect will work, regardless of the breaking strength.

Also Id like to to be more "portable" for when I get a pig (why Im getting goats to clear a pasture for a pig) so I can move it around to creat a large garden.
I'd definitely suggest the polyrope, then. Aluminum and galvanized wire each have 'memory'...if you bend them, the bend stays. I've never been successful at re-using aluminum wire, and I've never used galv because it's too dang heavy for temporary fencing.

The polywire is light, totally flexible like twine or string, and you'll have a much better chance of being able to re-use it.

If ever you plan to install a permanent electric fence, though...I'd highly suggest going with 12-1/2ga triple-galv hi-tensile.

So if I use the polywire will it still deliver the same shock value as the others?
I've pulled 5,500V though polywire...it does the job.

They make little plastic clicky tightener thingies for polywire, too.. If the fence is going to be up for more than a few weeks, you might consider adding some of those. Any fence -- any fence -- will get a little slack over time. With the clicky tightener thingies in place, you can just click it back up tight from time to time and you're good.

Another cool thing about polywire is...you can just tie it together if you need to make a splice or whatever. :D


Overrun with beasties
Sep 15, 2009
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So over the weekend my dad gave me a Fi-Shock Charger. It says..

Model SS-750 for pets and other small animals
110-120 Vac, .10 A, 60 Hz, 10Watts

He also gave me a decent size roll of steel (I think..) wire.
Im not sure of the gage its either 12 or 11.

Will this charger and gage work?

and Im still confused on how far my posts should be..