TSC employees -- save one Kim Roll, aka "Roll Farms" -- are notoriously ill-informed. They're also usually not shy about offering up their opinions. It's pretty much a lose/lose combo.SarahFair said:I have pretty flat land so Im not so worried about that.
I just got off the phone with TSC and they only carry goat fence in 330' and that is almost $300. There is no way I would use that much..
The 48"x100' is $70 but she told me that wont hold my goats.
I havent had a problem with my goats popping the weld off
Personally I am shying away from goat fence because it is 4"x4" and im pretty sure my little girl goat will be constanly getting her head stuck :/
A 48" fence will hold most goats. Contrary to popular belief, most won't actually try that hard to get out unless they're lacking something inside their enclosure....like food....or water....or shelter...
Pretty much, if you can provide those things on your side of the fence, they're not going to work that much to get out.
If 2"x4"x48" welded wire is what you can afford, and if welded wire will work on your terrain...go with 2"x4"x48" welded wire.
ETA: For what it's worth, we actually have a little of the 4x4" sheep & goat fence in the barnyard, and we've never had a stuck goat.
Just sayin...it is designed specifically for sheeps and goaties.