FF Goat - Asking Questions


Loving the herd life
Jul 5, 2016
Reaction score
Surprise, Arizona
Great information! I really hope I don’t need to do that. I have my bag ready. She was doing this weird thing with her tail just a bit ago. I was watching her on camera and every so often she would slowly curl it all the way up on her back. After watching her for a while I went out there and she did it a few more times and stopped. I am guessing I read or saw a video that those are contractions. She has not done it recently but will keep an eye on her. She is still laying down. Once I see her progressing and getting up and down, I will get out there. We have 20ish degree weather tonight and with the heat out there it is maybe in 40’s or 50’s. So I want to make sure I get the kids dried off. I got their heating barrel ready. I will let you know in the morning where we are at. Thanks again for being so informative and patient with a newbie like me. It makes all the difference just being able to talk about this with someone as experienced as you.
My very first ever kidding was a pull. I went to check on her and the buckling was head out with no front feet presented. Meconium was pretty dried on his head so he'd been that way for a bit. I was so scared but I got him out and his sister came like two minutes later with no help at all. He was really big and his shoulders were stuck. Stressing about it now is normal but just make sure everything is ready and try to relax and deal with it as it comes. You've got this. :) Do you have the # of an emergency vet if needed?


Overrun with beasties
Oct 22, 2018
Reaction score
I do not mind the pulling so much, it’s the going in that scares me. I have already violated this goat so much. I’m always feeling her up, foddleing her udder, peeking at her vulva and sniffing her goo. Lol and I stalk her on camera. I do not have a vet personally, but I know where one is. They do not like to look at goats but I heard they would.


Overrun with beasties
Oct 22, 2018
Reaction score
I set alarm clock every hour to check the camera last night. Dotti does this thing with her tail, could be mild contractions. Maybe dialating. Her udder feels alittle bigger this morning, fills like two warm pints of milk. Labor has not started yet, but I am hopeful, todays the day. No pushing or distress. She just looks really uncomfortable and she got up to eat this morning. More of the yellow goo too. I will update if something changes. I am so excited, we are really close now!!!


Loving the herd life
Jul 5, 2016
Reaction score
Surprise, Arizona
I set alarm clock every hour to check the camera last night. Dotti does this thing with her tail, could be mild contractions. Maybe dialating. Her udder feels alittle bigger this morning, fills like two warm pints of milk. Labor has not started yet, but I am hopeful, todays the day. No pushing or distress. She just looks really uncomfortable and she got up to eat this morning. More of the yellow goo too. I will update if something changes. I am so excited, we are really close now!!!
How's her breathing look?


Overrun with beasties
Oct 22, 2018
Reaction score
She seems to be doing fine and laying down now on her bench. I just let her out of her pen about 30 minutes ago. I was a little concerned this morning. It looked like it was hard for her to get up and walk on front legs. I gave her some NutriDrench and I cannot find my tums. I just bought some this weekend. But after she got out of her pen and moved around, I dont think theres anything wrong. She walked around for a bit and then went to her bench. It is just now hitting 34 degrees, we had a cold night in low 20's and she lays on a foot a straw in her pen, it is probably just pregnancy. I have suspected that she is carrying at least two. When she lays down, the baby on left is on top of rumen and was very active this morning. That one has been very active for last 6 weeks or so. The one on right is low and feels deeper, I just feel a hoof or head poke out or slide across. For the longest time I wondered if it was one big baby and I was feeling the head on one side and hooves on the other. But considering how wide she gets that is impossible. She does look like she has dropped, she looks different, would I still feel and see movement on the left if she is close to birth? Im just so confused.


Loving the herd life
Jul 5, 2016
Reaction score
Surprise, Arizona
She seems to be doing fine and laying down now on her bench. I just let her out of her pen about 30 minutes ago. I was a little concerned this morning. It looked like it was hard for her to get up and walk on front legs. I gave her some NutriDrench and I cannot find my tums. I just bought some this weekend. But after she got out of her pen and moved around, I dont think theres anything wrong. She walked around for a bit and then went to her bench. It is just now hitting 34 degrees, we had a cold night in low 20's and she lays on a foot a straw in her pen, it is probably just pregnancy. I have suspected that she is carrying at least two. When she lays down, the baby on left is on top of rumen and was very active this morning. That one has been very active for last 6 weeks or so. The one on right is low and feels deeper, I just feel a hoof or head poke out or slide across. For the longest time I wondered if it was one big baby and I was feeling the head on one side and hooves on the other. But considering how wide she gets that is impossible. She does look like she has dropped, she looks different, would I still feel and see movement on the left if she is close to birth? Im just so confused.
Yeah, she was probably just a little stiff. My girls get pretty miserable the last couple weeks. 2 babies is normal. I can see and feel babies to at least 24 hrs before birth. I don't remember seeing a lot of movement right before labor. They're probably just moving into position. Watch for very fast breathing. With my girls that's when I know it's coming.


Loving the herd life
Feb 18, 2017
Reaction score
I have read that if the baby(ies) is still moving then you have at least 12 hours left. But, in my own experience, I have felt kids right up until just before they are born. You might not always feel them. Some does you might feel them (I've only ever felt them moving hours before labor if there are multiples.) Some does you might not. She does sound really close though. I would guess within 3 days, but I've been wrong before.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
You are all set and ready. Good Luck on twins! Easier birth since they are smaller. Going in is not so bad if you close your eyes and imagine you are in a wet tight bag of babies. LOL I used to put stuffed animals in a pillowcase for my 4-H kids and have them feel around blindfolded. They had to identify what they felt to prep for having to pull kids or lambs.

I am currently waiting for one of my ewes to lamb. She is due today. Moved 4 of them into the barn lambing jugs last night. The others are just for company, so she will not be too upset. The other 3 are not due for 2-3 weeks. Once she has her lambs she will not care if I turn the others out for another 2 weeks. She will only be interested in her new lambs. She is a FF too.

I love lambing and kidding time! :weee:weee So much fun when babies come!