Overrun with beasties
Dotti, my FF goat is almost a year and half old. I am new to goats and I got her this summer beginning July, the lady said she was pregnant. I went back and forth, like is she? Is she not? Then I knew she was pregnant about 4-5 weeks ago, her body started looking preggo, she lost some of her plug and I felt the baby or babies around that time. Not long after she begin filling in her sac, slowly over the weeks. About two weeks ago, alittle more plug came out and I really noticed the baby or babies moving visually (kinda alien like LOL). The weird thing is when she is laying down, I can see and feel a baby on her left side, like on top her rumen, it is maybe a head and a foot that does this slide like thing and is a hard movement. For the last week her ligs come and go. They are not there in the morning times but are back in the evening and last few days really mushy in the evenings and now getting hard to find them. Takes me a good couple minutes. Her pin bone area is hollowed out and her sides are sunken in along her spine for the last week. No prelabor signs that I have seen. My question is to all you experienced Goat Moms, how much longer do you think she has and how many babies do you think she may be carrying?