Loving the herd life
Actually, larger goats (usually wethers) can be used as pack animals and people take them camping all the time. Teach them to walk on a lead rope and they can go anywhere with you... as long as they are legally allowed.
You could easily take a kid (the four legged kind) camping; even letting her sleep in the tent with you. Once they settle down to sleep at night they seldom get up until daylight so you wouldn't even have to worry much about them pottying in the tent. Or, put her in a large plastic tub with towels/straw/etc. at night in the tent with you.
The biggest issue that I would have taking my goat camping is if there are predators around that would be drawn into camp by the smell or sound of a goat. That would depend on where you are camping.
You could easily take a kid (the four legged kind) camping; even letting her sleep in the tent with you. Once they settle down to sleep at night they seldom get up until daylight so you wouldn't even have to worry much about them pottying in the tent. Or, put her in a large plastic tub with towels/straw/etc. at night in the tent with you.
The biggest issue that I would have taking my goat camping is if there are predators around that would be drawn into camp by the smell or sound of a goat. That would depend on where you are camping.