Finnie- Finally A Journal


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Maybe she wants you to go, so that she can go quietly and not have you see it happen either... I think my GS knew that I was going to take her, she was in the truck where she loved to be to go "riding" , and when the vet got held up and I had to wait, she quietly left so that I didn't have to make the decision.

Go, celebrate your time together, be with the family, and then come home to whatever has been fated to be.


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
My bestest ever cattle dog, Titan, was 15.5 years old. He went senile - stared at walls, tried to go outside thru a kitchen cupboard, still ate somewhat, but he and I were miserable. He loved me the best and vise versa and when he looked at me in that last week, the love light dimmed.

I took him into the vet for a quality of life appt. After much evaluation and discussion, I sent him over the Rainbow Bridge. I was quiet, forgot to pay the bill on the way out, then screamed my head off in the car.

I understand and support your decision to go tomorrow. If Liesl is still with you when you return, then you can lavish even more love on her while your heart decides what's best for her and you.

Maybe she wants you to go, so that she can go quietly and not have you see it happen either... I think my GS knew that I was going to take her, she was in the truck where she loved to be to go "riding" , and when the vet got held up and I had to wait, she quietly left so that I didn't have to make the decision.

Go, celebrate your time together, be with the family, and then come home to whatever has been fated to be.
Thank you both. I appreciate the support. ❤️

The dogs are at the kennel. When I started to tell the lady, the first thing she asked before I got very far was “Has she stopped eating?” And I said “No! She’s happy to eat!” And she said, “Well then she will be fine. When she’s ready to go she will stop eating.”

We had a nice long chat about my dogs and about dogs in general. It’s never a quick in and quick out there. :loveThe lady is very friendly and you can tell she loves dogs. When I told her about my dilemma of whether Liesl would be well enough for boarding or whether I would have to put her down instead, she was very adamant that bringing her there was the only thing to do. She said even if Liesl takes a nose dive and has to be put down while I’m gone, it’s better than feeling awful for the rest of my life if I had to do it for the sake of the trip.

I could write a lot more things she said. It was along the lines of all the things you guys have been telling me. :love We both feel that Liesl will hold out until I get back. But before I left Sally reminded me to say a permanent goodbye in case she doesn’t. That was thoughtful of her because I was just saying my usual I’ll see you in a week goodbye. So I picked her up and hugged her and told her if she had to die while I was gone it would be OK.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sorry for your loss, but you gave her the best life, she had a wonderful caring person taking care of her, you got to enjoy your holiday, and she went peacefully so is no longer hurting or feeling the effects of her age. The best that could have happened under all the circumstances. It was her time.