First time breeding and could use some help...


Chillin' with the herd
Apr 7, 2024
Reaction score
I got a New Zealand buck and 2 does in the spring. they are of breeding age now.

Yesterday I put 1 doe in with the buck. He mounted her immediately and 1 falloff. After that, he tried a dozen times and she would just lay flat. Tried again a few hour later and after many mounts with no falloff they gave up.

A few hours later I tried the second doe. He chased her around the pen for 15 minutes but she had no interest. He did mount 1 time but no falloff. Tried this pair again this morning. This time she was much more receptive. They did a circle dance and she was very interested in mounting him. He did alot of sniffing and licking and then started mounting her. Maybe 10 mounts but no falloff. Each time she would lay flat. She seemed intrested and readily allowed him, but not much success. I even tried holdig her up for him. He did alot of licking but would not mount her with me holding her.

So looking for some advice:
Was the 1 falloff yesterdy considered a successful breeding, thus strting my clock? Or should I try her again today?

For the 2nd doe, is the falloff absolutely necessary or could he have bred her? I will try those 2 again today.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
First is good enough. Most of mine only fall the once.
I never count the ones with no fall off. Unless you have a buck that's just very secretive about it, but you said he fell off before, so that's not relevant.
I'd keep trying the other doe. Laying is not accepting the buck. Hind needs to lift. Sometimes scruffing the back skin forward gives enough lift and clearance for the buck.