Herd Master
Take a deep breath. Relax. It will be ok. My ewes usually have their lambs in the wee hours of the morning. I run out to check on them in the mornings to be greeted by newborns. Those mammas know what they are doing. They will have those lambs with or without you.
I don't think you need to separate them. My ewes stay with the flock, just a little apart form the rest of the sheep. I used to separate them, lock up the ewe and lambs for the first few days. I was nervous and wanted to keep them safe. Haha, they really needed to be safe from me!
You might want to keep the panel handy in case the best friends suddenly become over protective of their lambs and you do have to separate them. Sometimes a ewe doesn't make the best momma right off, and needs "bonding time" with their new lamb. Lambs will try to suckle off any teat they find and can get butted away by an annoyed ewe that is not their mommy.
Make your preparations so that you are ready if the ewe needs help. If something goes wrong, you will be glad that you were ready. It will help you with your own peace of mind. Good luck with your lambing.
I don't think you need to separate them. My ewes stay with the flock, just a little apart form the rest of the sheep. I used to separate them, lock up the ewe and lambs for the first few days. I was nervous and wanted to keep them safe. Haha, they really needed to be safe from me!
You might want to keep the panel handy in case the best friends suddenly become over protective of their lambs and you do have to separate them. Sometimes a ewe doesn't make the best momma right off, and needs "bonding time" with their new lamb. Lambs will try to suckle off any teat they find and can get butted away by an annoyed ewe that is not their mommy.
Make your preparations so that you are ready if the ewe needs help. If something goes wrong, you will be glad that you were ready. It will help you with your own peace of mind. Good luck with your lambing.