Four Winds Ranch: " Life on the Farm "


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
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Middleburg, VA
Oh that's a funny story about the pig Canadiannee. :lol: My sheep are terrified of the pigs. Even the little tiny one (who isn't so tiny anymore). If Blossom gets in the sheep pasture they all go running like it's a big predator! We have two bigger pot bellied pigs right now in the garden rototilling for us. :gig We'll see how that works out. :) The gigantic pig we got rid of was neutered, and he never seemed to be a threat, but he had tusks! And I didn't want to be cornered or have one of my animals cornered by a big pig with sharp tusks. He was like a wild boar. :p


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Sorry about Johnny. We had to rehome ours for similar reasons. He actually put a 2 foot long gash in one of the horses upper legs. Nasty nasty wound. He went from that to going after the kids.

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
We have about 20 regular meat pigs in the barnyard, and we haven't had any issues with them, but that could be because they have more respect for people because no one wants to make a pet out of something you are going to eat! :hu
From my experience with my pot-belly and everyone elses pot-belly stories, I don't think pot-bellies are going to be in my future!!!!
Yes eleven, that is just what I am worries about!!! If Johnny figures he can go after the other anomals, then how soon before he gets one of the kids!!!

Had another set of twins last night!!!! 2 big ram lambs!! (10.5lbs, and 12.2lbs) I was expecting her to have triplets, but I guess they were just big!! :thumbsup I am not sure what it is this year, but almost all the sheep so far have decided they wanted me to stay up all night and earn my keep! :caf I have only had 1 ewe lamb in the daylight, all the rest have been after dark, and before first light! :idunno

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I had 2 more litters of bunnies born a couple of days ago!!!!! :clap
I didn't check how many in each litter ot the color patterns because I have learned that sometimes it is best to leave them alone for a week or two!

Last spring, I had a doe who kinddled! Like usual, I went to reach in to peek in the nest. :) So I opened the cage door and reached in! I heard a odd growling noise but didn't put two and two together. Just as I reached my hand in, the doe attacked!!!! :ep She grabbed one of my fingers with her teeth and wouldn't let go, the whole while growling and scratching and clawing the rest of my hand with her front feet!!!!! :barnie I am sorry to say, but in my mad panic to get my hand away from her, I jerked her around a fair amount and she ended up doing a somersault and hit her head on the side of the cage, which did make her let go.....finally.....! :/ She was totally fine and when to back to eating, wish I could say the same for my hand!! I believe I will have scars to prove my rabbit attack for the rest of my life!
Also, I have learned that mother rabbits (some of them anyway) perfer to be left alone with their new babies! Unfortunatly, I am not brave enough to find out which which is which!!! :hide
So, needless to say, everyone will have to wait on baby bunny pictures!!! :old


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 11, 2013
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Sorry FourWinds... I don't mean to laugh at your expense, but that story was FUNNY!!!! And even more humerous was that I could picture it happening! Tell me, was this the vicious doe you mentioned last week?

YAY!!! On the two new bunny litters!!! Congrats, Congrats!!!


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Northeast Mississippi
Congrats on your babies!!!!!

Rabits can bite really hard...when I took my 2 year old to a petting zoo and thought it safe for him to pull some grass and feed it to one...he was bit HARD...looked like the tip of his finger was just hanging by the skin ...rushed to emergency and they put it back together...who would have thought that could happen? He healed just fine and plays piano, clarinet, saxaphone and glad that worked be careful of your fingers!!!!

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I have a question for all the "Farm Girls" out there! How do you guys keep your houses clean?????!!!! :hu

Cause, it doesn't seem to matter how fast I work in the day, I just don't have the energy in the evening to get any house work done! :/

My day starts out : Making breakfast, making lunch for hubby and older kids for school. After they are out the door, me and the small kids are out the door to haul grain/hay, feed the sheep/cows, slop pigs/dig out pig pens, feed rabbits/clean out cages, feed chickens/clean coop, and pack water (unfortunatly we don't have waterers so I have to pack all the water for everything by hand, :( which I wont even get started on!) Feed t/water the horses, llamas, and donkeys. By then we have to come in to make little kids their lunch and send them for their naps. While they are napping I go outside to get done some stuff that is just plain faster without kids in toe, like chopping and hauling the wood for the day (we heat with wood), doing some much needed paper work. Once the naps are over, we traipse back out the door to work on vaccinations/worming/trimming hooves/tagging/branding/docking tails/sorting, which ever needs done, or fixing/building fence. During the fall, haying season, basically no house work gets done! Summer and spring there is the garden work :ep
Hopefully, I remembered to put somethin into the slow cooker for supper! Once everyone is fed supper, kids are bathed and in bed, I no longer have the energy to clean!!! :idunno

So how are most peoples houses clean all the time???? :/
When I find out company is coming I always am in a mad dash to try to pick/clean some of the easy to see mess, but wish I could stay on top of it!!!


Chillin' with the herd
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
S California
Four Winds Ranch said:
I have a question for all the "Farm Girls" out there! How do you guys keep your houses clean?????!!!! :hu

Cause, it doesn't seem to matter how fast I work in the day, I just don't have the energy in the evening to get any house work done! :/

My day starts out : Making breakfast, making lunch for hubby and older kids for school. After they are out the door, me and the small kids are out the door to haul grain/hay, feed the sheep/cows, slop pigs/dig out pig pens, feed rabbits/clean out cages, feed chickens/clean coop, and pack water (unfortunatly we don't have waterers so I have to pack all the water for everything by hand, :( which I wont even get started on!) Feed t/water the horses, llamas, and donkeys. By then we have to come in to make little kids their lunch and send them for their naps. While they are napping I go outside to get done some stuff that is just plain faster without kids in toe, like chopping and hauling the wood for the day (we heat with wood), doing some much needed paper work. Once the naps are over, we traipse back out the door to work on vaccinations/worming/trimming hooves/tagging/branding/docking tails/sorting, which ever needs done, or fixing/building fence. During the fall, haying season, basically no house work gets done! Summer and spring there is the garden work :ep
Hopefully, I remembered to put somethin into the slow cooker for supper! Once everyone is fed supper, kids are bathed and in bed, I no longer have the energy to clean!!! :idunno

So how are most peoples houses clean all the time???? :/
When I find out company is coming I always am in a mad dash to try to pick/clean some of the easy to see mess, but wish I could stay on top of it!!!
Mine is never clean. My goal is don't trip on stuff on the floor, vacuum often enough that we don't have hair all over our clothes.