True BYH Addict
X2. it is never clean. The goal is to keep the pet hair out of the food.Kellykidz said:Mine is never clean. My goal is don't trip on stuff on the floor, vacuum often enough that we don't have hair all over our clothes.Four Winds Ranch said:I have a question for all the "Farm Girls" out there! How do you guys keep your houses clean?????!!!!
Cause, it doesn't seem to matter how fast I work in the day, I just don't have the energy in the evening to get any house work done! :/
My day starts out : Making breakfast, making lunch for hubby and older kids for school. After they are out the door, me and the small kids are out the door to haul grain/hay, feed the sheep/cows, slop pigs/dig out pig pens, feed rabbits/clean out cages, feed chickens/clean coop, and pack water (unfortunatly we don't have waterers so I have to pack all the water for everything by hand,which I wont even get started on!) Feed t/water the horses, llamas, and donkeys. By then we have to come in to make little kids their lunch and send them for their naps. While they are napping I go outside to get done some stuff that is just plain faster without kids in toe, like chopping and hauling the wood for the day (we heat with wood), doing some much needed paper work. Once the naps are over, we traipse back out the door to work on vaccinations/worming/trimming hooves/tagging/branding/docking tails/sorting, which ever needs done, or fixing/building fence. During the fall, haying season, basically no house work gets done! Summer and spring there is the garden work
Hopefully, I remembered to put somethin into the slow cooker for supper! Once everyone is fed supper, kids are bathed and in bed, I no longer have the energy to clean!!!
So how are most peoples houses clean all the time???? :/
When I find out company is coming I always am in a mad dash to try to pick/clean some of the easy to see mess, but wish I could stay on top of it!!!