Well, it's that time of year. Almost all the babies have left for their new homes. We have 2 keeper does- a 5 mo old Nigerian and 3.5 month old Lamancha- and kept two Nigerian buck kids from December.
We still have a 10 week old Nigerian that is sold- but she was a tiny triplet so I suggested she stay on mom a few extra weeks- plus then I don't have to milk her dam at night for longer. LOL. We also have Magn's twin doelings who aren't sold- but I really need to advertise them. Unless someone buys both we are keeping one through the summer so I don't have to milk her in the evening. And I have one Lamancha "wether" that's still not sold. He's sweet and HUGE. I wish we had a good wether market here like some areas do. He'd be a great fair candidate.
But- we bred our first doe for next kidding season- Aravis. I'm also trying to get Waddles and Spice bread for October. I'd breed our Jr Saanen and Lamancha too, but they rarely cooperate with a fall kidding breeding. Come August, though, they should be in the mood.