Trixie had b/d twins on Friday evening (when we were getting the health certificate for the fair-LOL). Other than the buck being almost 10 lb and the doe 7.5 they look identical- black Sungdau.
Ruby kidded twin doelings early this morning. One big (8.5) solid black- not a light hair on her- and one flashy black and white smaller doeling who was almost 7lb.
I'll post pictures from my phone. My daughter Danielle, 13, handled the second birth solo with the second and biggest baby being breech! (I had just got in the shower, of coarse, when she started pushing. I had been waiting from 9-11:30 pm for her to kid before I showered and as soon as I stepped in she decided that was a good time.) But, they are her goats, so she's pretty good at anything normal.
Lots of news from the State fair but hilights:
Danielle placed second in showmanship in a class of 44 Intermediats.
Ruby got 1st in class (twice) and Reserve Lamancha in youth. Trixie got second behind Ruby in over 5 yr old Lamanchas.
Waddles got a first and a second.
Queenie got a first and second.
In the youth show we had in 3-5 yr old Nigerians: 1,3,4,6 out of 9.
Gwen got 4/13 (I think- big class) and she was 3-4 weeks from kidding- so pretty "fat."
And yesterday- more good news!
Arie, our accidentally bred 12 month old Lamancha we retained from last year kidded all on her own. We left for 45 minutes and she had a full udder and no ligaments, but no discharge or pushing so we weren't worried. Came home and she had just dropped a single mini-mancha doeling! She's been an excellent "teenage mom" and actually milking quite well so far. Got 3# this morning with her baby nursing all night.
Four more to go in March.
Gwen (FF Nigerian) is due 7-10, Periwinkle (3F Unregistered Nigerian)10-13, Morning Glory (FF Unregistered Nigerian) the 16-19 and Magn (2F Lamancha) 26-30.
Okay, okay. Pictures today. She is a cutie! Since her mom is Aurora I think we are going to name her Northern Lights. And, we just got a deposit on her today. A neighbor of our of our 4-h families has been watching for a medium-sized milker.
(Oh, and she's a One Fine Acre Lord Drinian baby. Blue eyes made that one easy.)