Well- as the goats like to always keep us on our toes by having their own schedule and plans...
Thursday Orchid was acting odd. Nothing concerning on it's own, just odd. We put her in the kidding stall and I turned on the monitor, but nothing. Friday morning her udder was visibly larger. We had to go pic up two months of feed that was delivered and I needed to go to the bank. Came home at 2 and had DD go check on her. She called me and said, she's pushing! Made it back just in time for a big flashy white with black boy! Waited for another one. And waited, and waited... No baby in canal. Called a more experienced breeder and decided just to watch. Turns out she just had the single. Just unusual since she's had twins and triplets. He's lovely. He nursed within 5 seconds Of the cord breaking. Baby on day 143.
Sunday morning I noticed Aravis's udder was tighter. Decided since he was a first timer, not contracting, and the kids had a Christmas thing to go ahead and go to church. Came home and she had a mucus string. She started pushing around 4. She had to push a while- and boy was she a screamer! But, we could see the baby's tongue going in and out in the bubble. Very interesting! Finally she pushed out a huge baby girl! After she was born I guessed she was the only one- and was right. I'll weigh her in the morning. She's a lovely Chamoise like mom, but with broken white on one side.
I'm interested to see what Tootsie and Trixie have planned! If Trixie ony has one I might loose it though- she's huge!
Congrats on the babies! They are gorgeous! I love the little buck's color... like cookies and cream ice cream! Maybe he should be named C&C? The doeling is HUGE!! No wonder momma screamed! Sorry it's been singles so far... Hope you get a few twins and more doelings!