Periwinkle's boy has been named "Stuart little" by my daughter!
Ruby (3rd freshener LM) is at 150 on Sunday, so I'm expecting babies Friday or Saturday. She's pretty huge! So, I'm thinking 2-3. Hopefully at least one girl.
Queeny is due the next weekend but she was almost a week early ( day 143?) last year as a 1st freshener so I'm watching her close.
Ruby had... TRIPLETS last night! Well, this morning. I think they were actually born on two days, but that would probably confuse ADGA so I'm going with the 13th.
Oh, and not triplet bucks. Lol
She had d, b, d.
I got a request for a buck the day before we kidded and have a backup buyer for him too- so I'm glad I got one. He will go at 10-12 weeks. The two girls are great too. The FFA girl who was going to buy PopTart who broke her leg is probably going to get the brown one (at my suggestion) at two weeks old as a bottle baby and the solid black one will be for sale weaned.
Woke up to a single doeling from Queenie (xdrinian) this morning. The first birth we've missed this year. She's sneaky! Baby was bouncy and warm (even though we are having a cold snap with lows in upper 40s).
She's a chocolate buckskin with blue eyes. I had a reservation for a registered doeling so she is spoken for. Good thing or I might want to keep her!