Full House Farms 2016 kidding thread! Baby watch!


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
Three singles.
That's seems odd.
You would have thought at least one set of twins from 3 kidding's.

Well, good and bad news on that front.

I walked out to the barn at 7am and tootsie was pushing. Of coarse, I turned the monitor off last night... I helped her with a dead little doeling. No horrible smell or anything- but I'm guessing it passed Sunday when she kidded. Weirdest thing since she delivered the placenta and everything Sunday night. And why is it always the girl? :crying: But, mom is doing fine and still doing a good job feeding the buckling. She's on abx as a precaution and might have a low grade fever, but considering it was 88' here and super humid it might have just been the heat. Not my idea of a fun day, but it could have been much worse.

I ended up having to milk Trixie today too. She's been huge for weeks, but she was dripping milk everywhere even while standing this afternoon. I milked 3 quarts of colostrum without milking her out just to relieve her! Thankfully no lumps or chunks or hardness in her udder. She's just an over achiever. If she doesn't kid in the next 24 hours I'll just bottle feed the baby's some colostrum. She's at 145 days and is softening up so who knows? Of coarse, that means my new barn cam is back on keeping me awake again tonight. Lol. The stupid roosters....


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
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hate that you lost the doeling and yes it always seems to be the doeling and never that big old buck kid. idk why. hopefully tootsie will be fine. i know you'll keep an eye on her.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Hope Tootsie is doing ok... How about trixie? Has she had her kid(s) yet? Hope no issues there!


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
Sorry about the lapse in updates. Kidding season! Lol

Tootsie has pulled through just great. Her kid who was the size of a Nigee with long legs is growing fast! (He was around 3 lbs) His name is Rollo- and he will go as a wether since mom is a grade Lamancha and a FF. He's catching up with Trixies babies fast. (More on that in a bit.) Other than having to hold her up every time I milk so she doesn't sit and her habit of pooping on the milk stand she's great. Sigh. I guess that's the downside of getting a very skittish free doe. But, she's come a long way. She hops on the milk stand and will even keep eating while I pet her head and back.

Aravis's baby has been named Gwendolen. She's huge too. I need to weigh her again, but she was 4 lbs a few days after birth. Pretty good size for a Nigee girl from a small doe.

Trixie ended up kidding just as I predicted- on the one day we had plans, but she finished up before we had to leave. NYE around 2pm. Obviously she's been planning her comeback as "favorite goat" since beside milking copious amounts of milk she gave us two huge twin DOELINGS! I'll add photos of Pop Tart (light tan sort of chamois) and Poppyseed (black with swiss markings.) They were 6.12 and 7.5 at birth. Pop tart is a bit thicker and has a really fluffy coat and Poppyseed weighs more and has super long legs and body and is taller and a bit heavier.

So that concludes round one of kidding. We have our two biggest shows in the next month. One the weekend of Jan 16th, and the State Fair the first weekend in February. So, besides milking and taking care of babies that's our next event.

I'm also pretty proud of myself. I disbudded all the Lamanchas all by myself (with just a "holder") for the first time. Doing it wasn't as bad as the anticipation of having to do it. I've been watching and helping the last two kidding seasons, but knew it was time to just bite the bullet and do it myself. It's still my least favorite thing about dairy goats, but better than having to take them to another farm and coordinate schedules.

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