fuzzi's "Gardens and Chickens...and Goats? Oh My!" Journal and More Thread


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
I don't mind Wallys. I went there yesterday and only took in one bag. I got so much clearance stuff, I had to BUY!!!!! a paper bag!!

8 boxes of 14 oz corn chex for $2 each. (4 for hubs and 4 for the food bank)
2 packages of pork somethings for $5 each (half price)
a discount package of spinach
a discount package of spring mix
clearance thing of baby bella mushrooms
Hubs needed engine cleaner
cats needed treats! $14.78 for a large plastic container!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
clearance container of pre diced green onions - so much in there is way less expensive that buying that many bunches.
And I don't know what else. $93. ouch.
I was going to buy a case of oil for my son. He drives my old 2000 Camry that leaks oil but isn't worth what it would cost to fix it. Walmart didn't have any real oil, everything was synthetic, and about $10 quart. Nuh uh.

There was more to my Wally World story but I fell asleep, woke up a few hours later and just posted what I had typed. That's why the time is so late.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Up about 7. Made coffee, walked Cleo, our dog. I fed the ferals, and broke a thin layer of ice on chickens' water tub. They were talkative.

Instead of just church I decided to go to Sunday school too. It was the first time I went to Sunday school at our church, mainly due to Ron's needs making it difficult to get going early.

Our pastor wasn't there, I was told that his wife has the flu and they were headed for urgent care. A retired pastor filled in, preached on "Hope", and I got a blessing.

Choir had several missing members due to illness, but a couple of our youth joined us four adults and it was enough. A young lady sat by me, did a good job singing. Her grandfather told me afterwards that she's 8, EIGHT! I would have guessed she was at least 11 by her demeanor. She can be my singing partner anytime.

After I made lunch I went outside to the coop. The flock was very vocal, and I gave them chopped ham that is about to spoil, and then a plate of Spring weeds, yum!

Martha's in the middle, and pecked the others if they got too close. She's the lightest Sussex, brooded five eggs last April that hatched into five cockerels! Zacchaeus was the only boy I kept from her brood. He's on the right in this photo.

For lunch I made a Reuben calzone, and it was good! I got the idea here on BYH.


I had grandiose plans to do more sorting this afternoon but my ambition evaporated. I think I needed some "set awhile" time today.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
I have been planning a second hoop coop, mentally. Now I am starting the physical planning.

I'm going to need cattle panels and 2x4s, 16' long. Today I reminded my coworker that when her spouse bought Ron's Tundra pickup he offered to help me haul anything that I could not put in my Highlander. She said she'd already mentioned it to him and he had answered agreeably. Maybe this weekend.

Hoop Coop Supplies Needed
8 16'x4' cattle panels (get extras for gardens)
4 2x4x16' PT lumber
4 1x4x8' PT lumber (for door)
Second 50'x4' roll of 1/2" hardware cloth (HWC)

Tarp 10'x12' or larger
Door brace/turnbuckle

Need to Inventory (have some)
Deck screws (3")
Fender washers
Corner brackets

Cat litter buckets for nests
Buckets for waterer and feeder (have buckets, need lids)
Waterer cups
Feeder ports

I Have Plenty
Fence staples (1 1/2")
Odds and ends of assorted 2x4s
Hanging straps
Shade cloth
Welded fence for door
Landscape pins for apron

I'll update this as items occur to me

February 2023 - Almost Done!
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True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
After visiting my flock I grabbed a tape measure, some utility flags, and some decorative fencing, to lay out the location of the second hoop coop.

Pictures are a little dark, but I think you can see it well enough. The end of the chain link fence is on the right. I want to replace it all the way to the back of the property ⬇️

⬆️ That is a sheet of tin on the left. I pulled it up enough to be able to insert the fencing. It will be removed.


The end of the coop will be just slightly over 10' from the property line (chain link fence). The rusted shed is not technically on my property, but a previous owner of my property put it there, over 20 years ago. My property, now?

Fence post on top left is the other end where I plan to replace ⬇️ the fence that was destroyed by fallen trees.

The other end of the coop is tentatively 6' ⬆️from the first coop, directly behind. I could move it a couple more feet back, leaving 8' between the coops, and 8' between the second coop and the property line/chain link fence. Thinking on it.


Planning... planning.

And I haven't forgotten about the goats!
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Another thought, goats will tap dance on your hoop coop. A tarp top will get punctured by sharp hooves. Somewhere I have a thread on building a hoop coop with tin top. I’ll go find it. It may be on TEG.

Found it! I used 1x4s on the inside to screw the tin to. A neighbor held them up on the inside while I held up the tin on the outside and screwed it through to the 1x4. Had to use pretty long metal roofing screws, then snugged the tin up tight. That left the ends of the screws bristling out on the inside of the coop, just waiting to snag me. Neighbor cut those ends off flush with boards.

That said, I’ll take your idea of a tarp top for my hoop coop I’m about to build. I’m building it to be very temporary so I can tear it back down.