Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Jane is doing great, we are co raising the kids.

Was shocked the doeling had so much white!
The buck is a silvery color that the camera isn't picking up on.
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (1).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (2).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (3).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (4).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (5).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (6).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (7).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (8).JPG
Wings & Caprines F-1 Miniature Lamancha Jane- Isaac kids (9).JPG

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Thanks all. The lil girl has definitely started to unfold so to speak and I really like her. She is all legs though right now. Isaac was leggy as a kid and Jane is long legged too.
Here is a pick of Poppy.
Poppy is huge - the pics take 10 lbs off easily. I cannot ever get a good pic of this doe. Either I don't have a camera on me or when we try she is not cooperative.

Not doing much this spring show wise. All our Nigies are due in June, so AFTER the main shows.
Don't want to take a bunch of FF Lamanchas or Jrs either...
but we are still trying to get them use to a lead .
Not going well.
Poppy was mad as heck! Shaking her head and fighting, then she'd stand still and tense up. Oh boy do we have our hands full! She just wants to play with the cloth on the porch! Silly girl!

Wings & Caprines Poppy getting use to a lead (7).JPG

Wings & Caprines Poppy getting use to a lead (2).JPG

Wings & Caprines Poppy getting use to a lead (4).JPG

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hester Prynne or Prynne for short will be day 145 on the 25th!
She is in a stall even though we are at 142 because she is awfully soft and legs are dropping down... rather her be in a stall then a FF in the barn with a bajillion goats.
I know the dogs will tend to her but a FF is always a bit scary for me.

THEN we get a BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well... a month anyway. :)

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Beautiful baby! But omg that snowball bush!!!! I need some cuttings of THAT!
...If you are ever in the area @Southern by choice probably wouldn't mind :)

In other news... Got hooves & shots done on the next 6 does due. Tomorrow I will tattoo a bunch of kids. Poor babies.
Show season is coming up. Really liking being on milktest! So much great information. We will probably do a post on this later :)

The minis (born in March) are getting quite chubby. I haven't weaned them yet :hide

Raina is milking up a storm. She milked 8.6# on her first, and 10# on her second. A measured her that same week at over 11#. She is increasing and increasing. She is projected to milk over 2600# this year. She is a FIRST FRESHENER :ep

Pictured is Raina as a dry yearling. Second pic is milk from a 12hr fill, that is a 1 gallon bucket. She milked 5.75# and did the same thing that evening. She is following her momma's hoofprints big time. I don't have a great pic but she has great rear udder height, udder depth, and her lateral attachments are half way down her udder. IOW her udder is really socked on, which is great because with the amount of milk she is producing her udder needs to hold up. I would not be surprised if she milks over 3000# next year. Hopefully a SG in the making? :fl
Raina- 2nd Place NRV Show (3).JPG 002.JPG