So here is what is funny... we do mini LAMANCHAS! and we don't do mini-Nubians because we only have one Nubian... but we want to keep her bred and in milk as she is older and a fine specimen! So last year we had mini-Nubes and kept the buck, sold the doe... this year I still had no std buck for Ruby so we did a repeat breeding as we liked what was produced. Which brings me to my dilemma.
We have a wait list for these does... but we think we are going to retain them.
Going to have some unhappy people.
So... I guess we will be delving into mini- nubians.
Very hard to find good ones.
I guess we will have to make our own.
I am NOT telling Goat Whisperer. She already has several Nubian breeders she want a bucks from...
I REALLY want Mini-Nubians! Or a standard Nubian and breed her to a Nigerian Dwarf. And I would have to sell one of my other goats to get one. I wish you were closer and that you weren't retaining those beauties!