Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Going a little backwards here... but these are Mariah's 2 doelings. 6 weeks and just shy of 30lbs. I wish I had a real camera so you could see their beautiful coloring... just doesn't show up on camera phone. :\

LOL Bottle babies DO NOT cooperate... can't set them up for anything. In the field they stand all pretty but I can't "zoom" in and get a good shot...

Here is Charlotte- she is a sweetie and a cuddle bug
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Charlotte- 6 weeks-March 6,2016 (2).JPG

She moves so pretty... can't set her up at all.
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Charlotte- 6 weeks-March 6,2016 (4).JPG

she is so dainty
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Charlotte- 6 weeks-March 6,2016 (6).JPG

love love love
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Charlotte- 6 weeks-March 6,2016 (5).JPG

looking really nice
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Charlotte- 6 weeks-March 6,2016 (3).JPG

Here is Jane - Jane is a DIVA already she is a snot LOL
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Jane- 6weeks-March 6,2016 (2).JPG

very feminine face
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Jane- 6weeks-March 6,2016 (3).JPG

Not cooperating at all... hates the lead
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Jane- 6weeks-March 6,2016 (4).JPG

love her rump
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Jane- 6weeks-March 6,2016 (7).JPG

looking good
Wingin' it Farms Home of Wings & Caprines - Jane- 6weeks-March 6,2016 (8).JPG

Hoping to get pics of Trouble's mini's today... hoping is a stretch :hide

GW need to get pics of her Nigies! Not like she is busy or anything. ;)


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
Reaction score
Blythewood, SC USA
Those are gorgeous doelings! Southern and GW, you 2 have been doeling-blessed for sure, and doelings seem to be holding out, still. Even at the auction the other night, they said everyone seems to be getting doe-rich so far this year. Hope it continues until we get a couple of 'em.:love

We went to the auction Friday night and came home with 2 hens and a roo who was supposed to be a hen. Clearly the auctioneer forgot to tell him and at 4AM he let us know who he really is. His name is Roy and he's a black cochin. Maria is a black australorp and Valerie is a Plymouth Rock frizzle-both lovely, but Maria certainly has an attitude. I guess they're still a little shaken-up from the auction, 'cause they're not laying, yet. Any time now will be fine with me, I'm looking forward to having fresh eggs.:weee

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Thanks. They are so much nicer and bigger in person!
I love bottle babies but sometimes they can be a pain. :hide

We have noticed this before but none so evident as this one...

When Ruby kidded and I found she had the kids already on the ground ... if ya'll remember I went in and told everyone and we all ran out to see the little darlins... Well the first one Sapphire (Saffy)was already mostly cleaned where Emerald (Emmy) had just been born and was still covered just face was cleared of the sac.... we jumped in as it was chilly and toweled them off and got them dried even blow dried.

Well.... I have long believed that those first real touches and cleaning is who they associate with and everytime we have pulled a kid, helped deliver etc even the dam raised kids, if WE touch them pretty much first they pick up on our scent and they associate us with their world.

Emmy is so very much like a bottle baby- human contact kid... following us everywhere ( and remember we are co-parenting) whereas Saffy that was predominantly cared for by Ruby is a little bit of a snot. LOL She is all about her momma and sister and her step sister Bingo. She will follow but really she is like a dam raised kid.

Bingo also- if you remember the weird birth and her being pulled out and handed over my head while momma fell on me, thinks I am her mommy. Even though GW cleaned her off and whisked her away... I pulled her out ... she is my baby.

Ruby hasn't liked Bingo around her but is fine with Bingo playing with Saffy and Emmy... but today Bingo, that is strictly bottle raised, snuck up behind and nursed off of Ruby... this was the first time Ruby didn't shoo her away... she LET her nurse.

Ruby is feeding her little girls and giving almost 7 pounds of milk.

Zephyr is doing great she is a SMALL and I mean SMALL as in stunted small 85 lb goat... first freshener... and giving just over 5lbs a week in. I expect a minimum of 3qta (6#) but it won't surprise me if she does 8# at peak. Her grand-dam milked for 4-5 years straight.. crazy.
Her udder is pretty but only having a single her udder was only so big... so she fills and it gets so tight... still undecided whether to milk 3x day and give her some relief but at the same time I know she will end up making more milk... not sure what to do.

I got some pics although they aren't great it will show you what I mean... the poor girls teats just get so full.

Meanwhile we now have milk everywhere! Ruby's kids can't take everything, they are tiny, some of the other goats are being reduced bottles to prep them for weaning ( Nigerians) ...

Not complaining but wow I need another fridge. I poured 2 gallons down the drain last night. And Zephyrs milk gets pitched too. I am so ashamed. My friends don't have their pigs yet so nowhere for it to go. With the heat I won't give it to the dogs either. Zephyr makes more then her little single takes in a day so we get backed up. Since a week has gone by their milk will go in the collective tank and we can start using it for us too. So hopefully no more pitching.

Her udder is so buttery soft- gosh does that just sound weird :gig
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 008.JPG

We need to do a real shave job now
March 8,2016 079.JPG

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Update on my baby Zephyr... talked with Babs last night and she thought it was a good idea to milk Zephyr more and give relief.
So this morning Zephyr had jumped over wire into a field to try to get through a gate... thinking she did this in the middle of the night as the dogs were going ballistic ALL night. I suppose they were yelling at her... and it makes sense because she jumped into where Eliza was... Eliza was the only dog NOT barking.

Zeph was trying to get to the porch to get milked. Our poor baby was so full.:hit:hit:hit
Her udder could hold no more and she had milk all over her. :hit

As you can imagine I was in a bit of a state- leaking teats can open the door for mastitis... need to figure out how to get her to not produce as much... milking more could increase production...

Called a dear lady that has been in goats for FOREVER! Lives down the road from me... if she doesn't know, then no one does! :)

Told her what was happening and yes continue to milk 4-5 x a day if necessary just don't milk all the way out... said we may need to do a middle of the night milking til it starts to go down.

Zephyr has already given 2+ qts this am and this afternoon we milked out 1 qt and left 1/2 udder full ( or at least we think it was about 1/2) and hasn't been evening milked (9-10 pm).

A bit nervous with my girl she is only one week fresh.

Going to stall her alone with fresh clean bedding for safety with that udder right now.

The one thing we never do is to tax our animals for productions sake... but what do you do when they do this. Kinda scary.
The lady also told me something I had never heard of nor would have ever thought of... I will share that later in another post.

Meanwhile Cici and Lucy are due on Saturday (145) !
Lucy has a nice FF udder... she is a tiny Nigie! :)
Cici has had a rough road this year... udder is coming along... we will see how she does. Cici's kid will be co-parented... Cici will be going to her new home in a month or two... with her kid and she will be milk trained. Great people and happy to have her go to such a wonderful family. Kelly the Kiko will probably go with her and one of our bucks.
They visited today. It was very nice. They have been out several times in the past 8-9 months. I know they will be goat "family"! :) That is always a bonus!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Lucy just kidded!:weee:weee
Fastest kidding ever!
Hard ligs last night
Lost ligs this am- rump went steep- eating hay- walked to barn- we moved her to kidding stall- she laid down and 3 minutes later pushed out a kid! a few minutes later another.

No goo no plug no warning!
Two doelings
2 lbs 12 oz and 3lb 2oz
Will's babies- blue eyes LOL I think that is 29/29 now

Happy all went well but wow kind of uneventful...

Cici next!

Good thing we got the stall cleaned yesterday! :)