Goatgurl - life goes on at someday farm


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
I found a used craftsman weed eater on wheels this spring and am loving it. JJ and I had to have a serious discussion about "leave it" she wants to catch the whirling string and let me tell you any weed eater that will whip holes in a 5 gallon plastic bucket will rip the hide right off a critter.
@Mike CHS I keep forgetting to show you and @Baymule a picture of one of my ram lambs. ever seen a katadhin with horns? I hadn't ever but lo and behold one of this years lambs sprouted a pair. I've read up and it is sure a disqualification for registering but since I don't bother I didn't worry about it.

how weird is that??
moved the guinea keets outside today, yea!!! noisey little rascals. look out fhar ants here they come. youall have a great day


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
@Baymule you are so funny, yup I bet he is every bit as tasty as his brother. that was their problem, they were just too horny so off to the sale they went.
all is well here, hot as the hubs of well? but we're managing so far. lost a bunny last week but I think it was from a heart attack as well as from the heat. I drove the lawn mower past his cage and somehow caught the edge of the tarp covering his cage with the tailgate of the lawn cart and BAM down he went cage and all, rolling across the yard. found him dead the next day. poor guy, made me feel guilty for scaring him to death and I think the heat just put him over the edge. bobcat has been around a lot snacking on young ducks. somethings gotta give there. gave permission for my hunter friend to poke a hole in him if he gets a chance. hate doing that.
so here is the new definition of a cow bird... what ya think? chickens and ducks both follow the goats and sheep around in the pasture catching bugs that are flushed up by their grazing.
IMG_2471.JPG IMG_2458.JPG IMG_2480 (2).JPG IMG_1971.JPG JJ found another copperhead about 6 feet from my front door few days ago. curled up next to the flower bed I had been working in the day before. little bit of rat shot took care of him, thank you very much. JJ and emma have both been much more leery of the snakes they have found this year. I guess both of them getting bit last year put a little bit of sense in their heads and a bit more respect for things that bite. J never left where it was but she darn sure didn't stick her face down at it either. guess she's learning. emma on the other hand was in the house and slept thru the whole thing. i'm just as glad, she isn't as smart as her younger sister, the terrier just takes over and she grabs 'em. this one was almost 3 feet long, old guy I guess. the last two pictures are of my granddog tilly and her brother bob. they are staying with me until their mom can arrange transport to seattle. anyone want to go on a road trip, they'll pay for gas, lol.
been doing a little putting by the last couple of weeks. got the blackberries worked up, a bushel of red haven peaches, half dozen jars of tomatoes, need more of them, and three kinds of pickles plus putting a couple of quarts of jalapenos in the dehydrator. okra is next. was blessed with a gift of almost 30# of presliced beef jerky yesterday. can't wait to get started on that. friend works at a butcher shop and he said he sliced it to thin and he doesn't like it that way so he gave it to me. :drool he also gave me a bear roast. tickled about that, I've never eaten bear . any suggestions on how to cook it?
its still july and my darn buck goat is starting to smell and swell already. hate to separate him from the girls but i'm not wanting early babies. he is fat slick and in all his glory in late summer after he has been on pasture all summer but looks like a sucked orange before breeding season is over. he's just such a horn dog.
@CntryBoy777 :hugs I just keep praying God's will over your situation. @Baymule I can't believe you sold both of those Hereford hogs. how are you going to judge how they taste by a couple of porkchops. @Pastor Dave please don't wait to long to get that hernia fixed. longer its there the bigger it can get and the more damage you can do. take care of yourself, lot of people counting on you.
youall take care and i'll catch you on the flip flop.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
chickens and ducks both follow the goats and sheep around in the pasture catching bugs that are flushed up by their grazing.
Looks like you are getting enough rain there, pasture looks green. We have a lot of brown here.

any suggestions on how to cook it?
REALLY REALLY well. They are a good source of Trichinosis. Presumably the mother of a friend of DW's is in the medical books for surviving a really bad case of bear meat Trich.