Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
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Rineyville, KY
You are around Rutland, right? Have you tried Valleywide Vet? They are based in Cornwall. There is also Al Clarisse who is in Whiting.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Venus is coming back today. It's not working out where she was placed and her owner asked us to please take her back. She is due any day so I am happy to hear it's only a 20 minute travel for her. Getting ready to go out to do chores and make her travel arrangements.

Mavis is still prego(surprise!). She is doing well and is having discharge daily at this point. I will try to get pictures of Mavis, Venus and the other to expecting mothers. Which are Coconut and Little Deer.

I will also try to get pictures of Jethro and Grub. They are now about an inch taller than Tahoe.

More later.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Venus did come back. She had already kidded, but no kids were present and no evidence of kidding. Thinking the people pulled the kids and were hiding the fact from their friend Barb(owner of Venus). I bumped her the day we got her home and after confirming no kids I milked her. Had to massage her bag with a warm washcloth to get the milk to flow. She was as hard as a rock. Got two cups from her two days in a row and then absolutely nothing.

They swear she did not have kids well there, but I am not that stupid. Definite discharge from after birthing, hard full udder and she was calling for her babies for a few days. I told Barb to count the babies as a loss and be glad Venus is back with me and doing very well. I only kept her separate for three days. She was the only goat where Barb put her and she was healthy when she went there. I just wanted her to get reacquainted with the dogs through the fence before putting her back with the herd.

Still waiting on Mavis to drop her kid/kids. This little goat has definitely thrown me on all the signs of kidding. Now I am thinking she will kid after Little Deer.

Also Sakura is definitely expecting. She will be due the end of May, but she is very tiny compared to the others due in May. So Esha is the only doe who did not settle this year. Crossing my fingers for her for next year.

Finished putting the last 20 post in for the new pasture area and started putting up the electric wire yesterday. Hoping to get more done today. Goats are going to love new grazing & dogs are going to love the bigger space. If weather cooperates I should get it done this week. Need to cut down a few thorns bushes and run a weed eater along the fence line before I continue. Will just be easier running the wire.

My sister in law went and got four Bantam hens. Didn't mind her getting them, but did mind(and spoke up) her putting them directly in the coop with the others. I have been ever so watchful and careful about managing my animals against diseases. I always keep new animals separated for a few a week or so, but near the others that they will join. Just to watch for any illness well they get use to one another. My goats I keep separate for 30 days.

variety4-7-16 012.jpg Venus reunited with the herd 4-10-16 004.jpg 4-11-16 016.jpg First picture is Venus the day she came home. Second and third picture are her on day four of her return and her back in with the herd. She reestablished her queen position real quick. That is Jethro standing next to her.

Little Deer and Mavis, Brian. 3-31-16 003.jpg Little Deer and Mavis, Brian. 3-31-16 007.jpg Little Deer and Mavis, Brian. 3-31-16 021.jpg 4-14-2016..goat poeses..lol 012.jpg
In order: Coconut & my great Nephew, Little Deer, Mavis & Sakura. Little Deer & Mavis should kid first. Up in the air on which will go first, then Coconut & Sakura are due May 28th.

4-11-16 004.jpg Jethro on the left and grub. They are doing super awesome. Still working on their over excitement when I am in the pasture.

Hoping I am present for at least two(would love to be there for all of them) of the four births left. I would like to take the pups in for a delivery(one at a time of course). I think Jethro will do great. He was very calm and laid down when I took him in to meet one of the babies early this year. Grub just can't seem to contain his excitement. We will see how they do(I hope anyways).

One of my does actually finally head butted one of the pups a few days ago. I have been waiting for that to happen. She didn't ram him, but let him know she had enough. I was delighted, because up until that point they all were just running from them. Expecting others to follow suit. This will help teach the pups a bit quicker and I feel it's a better learning tool than me using voice correction.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Ok, so those who have been reading my journal know it's been absolutely nuts with Mavis:eek:. Never ever again will I make that mistake again:he!

So I worked on the new pasture fencing yesterday morning after doing chores and checking on the nursery. I am once again working alone in this venture so it's going much slower than I would like:\. I have to trim back some trees & pricker bushes along the North side before putting the fence up. I am 3/4 done with that. Hoping to finish the rest today. If so then it should all move right along fairly quickly.

Had to meet with my oldest daughter to do her last fitting for her wedding dress at 3 pm, so at 2 pm I stopped, checked on the nursery again (all was the same as the last few days:idunno) and had a cup of coffee while I waited for her. She picked me up, we went to appointment, (Dress fits beautifully), dropped dress off at the church(all her wedding stuff is being stored in one room) then came back to the little farm. So I said to her, "are you going to check on Mavis with me or do you have to go?", she stayed. 4:15 pm...we approach the nursery, daughter arrives at Mavis's pen just as I get to the gate of Nursery section itself. "um Mom, there is a baby in here"...I come back with, "your kidding right?"..............she wasn't. Yes Mavis finally delivered!! Now as big as she was she gave me one sweet average size doeling. 3.6 pounds. Her name is Jewel:love. She must have arrived between 3;45 to 4:00 as she was almost completely cleaned off, up and about pretty darn good on those tiny legs and eating. Jewel is spoken for but not leaving for her new home for a couple of weeks. Mom and baby where fine when I left at 8:30 pm.
Mavis & baby 011.jpg Mavis & baby 014.jpg Mavis & baby 016.jpgShe is my farm's first blue eyed baby.

Little Deer is up next. Hoping for twin doelings:fl. One for myself and one for the waiting list. Anytime in the next three weeks....I have earliest date as May 2nd, but.............:lol:. Let's see how accurate I am with this one and the next two. Next two 150th day is May 15th.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas

So those people who returned her said this doe didn't have kids?!?! Really?!?! They must think anyone being told that tall tale is completely stupid! If that isn't postpartum, I have no idea what is... That's straight up theft. No other word for it. Glad Mavis finally had her doeling, and she was successful at getting it done behind your back as well... her intention right along I'm sure. Good luck with the remainder! still watching! :pop