Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So this is not something I would normally do. However, I figure this is a good place to post this. I am in a pickle and need to hire a lawyer to try to get my grandchildren from CPS in Ohio.
Please read the gofundme link...share it with everyone you know..if you can donate financially that would be great, sharing the link is appreciated just as much.


Lawyers link so as you can see I intend on hiring someone who knows what they are doing.

Prayers are greatly appreciated as well.

Thank you.
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True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So those people who returned her said this doe didn't have kids?!?! Really?!?! They must think anyone being told that tall tale is completely stupid! If that isn't postpartum, I have no idea what is... That's straight up theft. No other word for it. Glad Mavis finally had her doeling, and she was successful at getting it done behind your back as well... her intention right along I'm sure. Good luck with the remainder! still watching! :pop

Yes it is, but a loss to us as Venus's previous owner does not want to follow through with trying to press charges. So I am counting the kids as a loss and Venus is here to stay until one of us passes on.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Good luck with the legal stuff... you didn't attach the gofundme link... Sorry again about the stolen kid(s)... Such a world we're becoming...


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Sorry I haven't been on much lately. So much to do.

The church dance wasn't the big hit:( we were hoping for, but it looked awesome:love! Now between trying to get the fence finished on other pasture, my daughters wedding preparations, preparations for family visiting for Memorial Day weekend and the wedding, and big changes at my church I am kept running around:barnie.

The weather needs to cooperate a bit better for the fence to get completed. Working alone makes it slower as well. Still hoping the neighbor will let me fence in a section of the stream running beside the pasture. I will post pictures when done and goats and dogs are in it.

Little Deer gave me two good size twin girls yesterday(day 143) morning:weee. First one I had to help pull a bit. Second one was breech but she slid right out without a hitch(Thank you Lord). I checked her the night before about 8 pm, her ligs were completely gone, so I knew I was spending the night at the farm. Next morning 6 am she was the same, but was just standing around usually with her head in the corner of the shelter. So I fed the animals, grabbed a bucket for a seat & my book and waited. At 8:43 first girl born. At 8:54 second girl. Watched them and momma until 1 pm. They were nursing well and she was very attentive:love. I am retaining one and one was spoken for. Two more does to kid(this up coming week) then done for this year.

I will be introducing the dogs one at a time to the newest addition to the herd after the other two are placed with their new family. Tahoe is use to babies and great with them, but still want to do an intro on a leash with her just to show the pups how they are suppose to behave. Because I have the pups, Little deer and the baby will be separate from the herd for a little while until I am positive the pups are not going to hurt the little one. Jethro is much more calm about babies than Grub is. I know it's going to be a process.

This weekend I will be spending Saturday in Maine for a church function that 6 of my grandchildren are taking part in. It's called Star Search. There is singing, dance, music instrument and other performances. Two are doing solo musical instruments and the other four are in chorus. I am so proud of them all!:clap

Sunday evening we are gathering for cake & ice cream for my youngest son's 19th birthday. Eric has Asperger's Syndrome and has come so far in life. The last four years he has matured in leaps & bounds. I miss my sweet baby boy, but deeply love the man he has grown into.

Little Deer's babies 3-5-2016 018.jpg Dancing Starlight: 3.15 lbs. Brown eyes. Spoken for.
Little Deer's babies 3-5-2016 021.jpg Darling Emma Rose 3 pounds. Blue eyes. Retaining.

Little Deer's babies 3-5-2016 014.jpg Little Deer's babies 3-5-2016 020.jpg Little Deer's babies 3-5-2016 025.jpg


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So I was stumped last night, but I believe I have figured things out. I was attempting to get a couple of the babies to take a bottle(as buyers wanted BB) it was not going well. Tried warming the nipple, tried different nipples, and was going to attempt letting them go without over night to see how the morning would go. After an hour of hollering babies and still no interest in the darn bottle, I said nope. So babies went back on dams and I wish I could have video that whole reintroduction. I have ever seen happier goats!! Mavis was so excited she met me at the gate, let her baby nurse for a minute and then led the baby to their section of the nursery and commenced to jump and twist & run. Little Deer started talking to her babies before we were in sight of the pen, let them nurse & then they were glued to her side. All three babies will be going in June when they are weaned. I decided to let Emma Rose go as well.

Anyway, this is the absolute first time I could not get babies to take a bottle. I was like what the heck am I doing wrong. Well this morning it hit me. I have been really stressed lately and I believe they picked up on that and just couldn't relax. I may be wrong, but that's my guess. I did eight bottle babies last year, one the year before that and two the previous year. Never had any completely refused.
Looking at retaining one buckling if I get any and I have a possible sale of one buckling if the color pattern is what they are looking for.

Then yesterday I had a major complication with my pups. They do not want to accept Mavis back into the herd. They just wanted to chase her. Jethro even put his mouth on her. Took her from the top of the neck. Man did they hear it!! So because I can't trust the pups with the tiny ones at all, the dams and babies will be kept separate until I can completely trust the pups. So between getting the fence done & waiting for next two does to kid I will be introducing the pups to the babies on leash one at a time. Honestly, I am hoping that the dams will butt those pups just once. I think they will get the picture. They protect the goats with Tahoe, but have not learned to respect them yet. I'll keep you posted on that adventure.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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and we wrap this years kidding up with two boys a day apart.

Coconut Rum presented us with this flashy "little" guy on 5-14-2016. Weighing 4.25 pounds. Has wattles like his dam.
5-14-2016 016.jpg 5-14-2016 019.jpg 5-14-2016 038.jpg Zorro

and Sakura not to be out done, gave us this flashy black & white this morning. Not little either. weighed 4.35 pounds.
5-15-2016 004.jpg 5-15-2016 005.jpg 5-15-2016 006.jpg 5-15-2016 014.jpg Bambino

appears that Zorro will be joining his sire when he is 8 weeks and Bambino may already be spoken for.

Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
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I saw these on Facebook on one of the goat spots.... I'm adding you if I can find them again.

Cute kids! I really like Coconut Rum. He is pretty.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Zorro was sold as a week old bottle baby(sister in laws goat & her choice to sell) Bambino was retained, disbudded and will join is sire in a couple more weeks:thumbsup. All goats are doing very well:love. The doelings will all go to their new home(together) around the 30th of this month:). Pictures are below.

I managed to survive the wedding! The couple is very much in love & happy. Picture below.

My brother has got the hay barn enclosed. He wants to get a sliding barn door for the front. I will get pictures of that and post them later today or tomorrow. We met with a guy that hays down the road from us & SCORE:bow! $30.00 a bale. That will save me $25.00 a bale from last years price. We should be able to get hay in the barn way before winter hits. I also want to get a few more metal trash cans so as I can get a head a little on alfalfa pellets & dog food. I also include sweet feed in the winter.

Second pasture still is not done:th. Between it being just me(getting older and arthritis is kicking my butt this year) and work, it is a much slower process then I wanted. Hoping the first week of July brings much more progress. I have found a summer job that I love, but is definitely back breaking work. I help clean out houses for estate sales. This will cover the summer income, but will not help in the winter months.

My brother is going to run electricity to the barns for me before winter hits. That will be so helpful. No more extension cords for heated buckets and no more flashlights only for birthing.:weee

Now that we aren't waiting on goat babies, we are waiting for our first batch of chicks to arrive. Doing this the natural way. I have one hen who sets all the time and occasionally I will find another trying to set with her. I am going to make some more eggs today. Six eggs are due to hatch June 30th. I'll place another 6-8 today. They will be due to hatch July 10th. Any roosters will be fattened up and put in the freezer. If the first batch arrives with good results I will have to expand the chicken coop.
5-30-2016 babies 016.jpg 6-9-16 boys & girls switch 028.jpg 6-9-16 boys & girls switch 029.jpg 6-9-16 boys & girls switch 035.jpg 6-9-16 boys & girls switch 038.jpg dogs & goats 6-15-2016 043 - Copy.jpg dogs & goats 6-15-2016 047.jpg dogs & goats 6-15-2016 048.jpg
April&Pat cake cutting.jpg My daughter April & her husband Pat
family wedding pic..jpg The whole blended family. Children range from 15 down to 3.


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
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NE Ohio
Sounds like things are going well - congrats to the happy couple!

Don't know if I could clean out houses for estate sales - I'd be wanting to buy and drag all kinds of stuff home...