Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
The pants and hoodie were fresh out of the dryer just before I went out.:D =D
No sense in that. Just wear them until they stand by themselves. Then brush off the dried mud and dirt. Gotta be good for at least a week or three.

Finally stopped raining up here though we still have about a 50% chance of more through 8 AM tomorrow.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Wow, the rain stopped about half way through the day. The goats finally were out and all over the pasture today. The babies even wandered to the far end of their pen late this evening. Sun even came out about 4 pm.
The two does were hilarious this afternoon. Running and jumping like they were two weeks instead of 2 years. Playing king(queen) of the mountain on some old trailer steps, flying off them and zipping down around the barn and back up to the steps on the hill. Was I laughing. I couldn't get pictures because I was viewing this from the french doors going out to the deck. As soon as they heard the door open they stopped.
I changed what I was using to feed the babies. I was using actual baby bottles. I switched two over to lamb & goat nipples(the black rubber ones) I tried switching both boys to those. Winchester wanted nothing to do with it. Rio and Juniper took to them like they had been using them from day one. I got Winchester & Nutmeg switched over to the Pritchard nipple today without a hitch. So much easier to take out large quantities in 4 large bottles than 12 small ones. Plus I don't have total chaos when having to switch bottles. Just one bottle each until it's gone. Pictures of babies below with milk bellies.
Tomorrow is suppose to be clear & sunny high of 70 and next day is suppose to be near 80. Looking forward to getting some yard work done if it dries out enough.
IMG_20180430_085024.jpg I love Winchester's build. Juniper off to the right.
IMG_20180430_085030.jpg Juniper is my very Lady like doeling. This is their little bridge which they love.
IMG_20180430_085035.jpg Rio(nicknamed Brute) He is such a handsome little guy. Winchester in the background.
IMG_20180430_085040.jpg Nutmeg(nicknamed Sissy) my smallest and miss dainty. Checking out my feeding seat.
IMG_20180430_085050.jpg Juniper(far back) Rio(middle) Winchester(forground)
IMG_20180430_084902.jpg Rio & Nutmeg

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Your goats are cute! Makes me want a few long-eared goats! (Telling self: no more for now...don’t need to add another breed as the Minis are coming...three breeds is enough...those ears are so sweet...ugh...try to be strong...time will tell!) lol


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Yesterday I over didn't a bit. Up at 5:45 am, house work done by noon, after morning chores, including mopping all the darn floors:sick. After lunch I finally got the old wire fencing gathered that should have been done last fall. Pulled some of the post. The other's I have to wait for a helper. Don't have the strength yet this year. Then I moved some climbing items in with the babies and hung out with them for a little while. We grilled burgers for dinner to go with Mac salad and some of those lay's chips:D. Then it was back out for evening feeding. By this time I could barely move...knee, left foot, shoulders, back and neck were all complaining. Then it was favorite show night, can't miss the last episodes of Abby on NCIS, followed by Bull and winding down with NCIS New Orleans. Out like a light after that. Then of course woke up late, 7 am. Scrambled around to get babies fed and morning chores out of the way. The older does did not great me at the barn for their pellets this morning. They were up over the hill grazing away. Does this mean I can cut back on supplementing there food? Maybe just do evening pellets? That would make me happy.
Today I am hoping to turn the babies out with the older goats while I work on spreading some piles of manure/old bedding around the dirt portions of the pasture. We will see if they get along enough for me to do this. Oh and I have to wash one window that I forgot yesterday:smack.

If time allows or if the weather holds out...I have one more flower bed to clean out, 3 bleeding heart planters to clean up and a trellis to clean off. I see a couple of areas that could actually use the weed eater. Plus I am almost positive before the weeks out I will be mowing for the first time of the season. The fiance' is shopping this morning, so for now I am resting. For those that don't know it(ladies) I got lucky and found a man that loves to cook and grocery shop...I have only cooked a handful of meals in 12 years. I have gone grocery shopping with him like maybe 5 times. We don't shop well together so I do my best not to go. In the past few years I have developed quite the anxiety about being in large stores with so many people and can't stand waiting in lines, so I really do my best to avoid them altogether:hide. Walmart is an absolute NO! I do go to TS, but I know what I am going for and it's get it and get out. Mostly dog food and goat supplies. My jeans I get at second hand shops because they are for work purpose only. All my other clothes I buy online
.IMG_20180501_180929.jpg Nutmeg, only one brave enough to try the new toy.
IMG_20180501_180942.jpg (L to R) Juniper, Rio, & Winchester
IMG_20180501_181540.jpg ahhh, that's the spot!
IMG_20180501_181619.jpg Playing queen of the (box) mountain.
IMG_20180501_164418.jpg Dinner on the deck. This is the women I care for.
IMG_20180502_100930.jpg Storm relaxing with me this morning.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Sounds like ya are having a wonderful time and things are doing really good for ya heading into Spring. Quite a few yrs ago I changed my wardrobe to basically jeans and Tshirts...it is all that I own....if it isn't proper attire, then I don't go...I am just a simple man and don't care to impress anyone....:)


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
@Bruce , I do not have a post puller. If the help doesn't show up in the next day or so, I will wrestle with the darn things until I get them out. That is how it's done here, I was taught to ask for help if needed, but if help was not to be found then figure it out on your own.

(Yesterday)So I tried to bring the babies out with the older does, but Sage had Rio pinned up against the pallet fence before the last two could even get out of the gate. So I am wrestling her off the poor guy, while trying to get Nutmeg back in the babies pen and keep Winchester & Juniper in at the same time. I managed to get it done with no critters getting hurt.
I also got all the piles of old bedding/manure spread out where it needed to go. Then I managed to get Doreen's Wisteria(sp?) trellis trimmed out, so the new growth can take off with the sunshine. This was all done after a morning of relaxation(after morning chores of course) to recoup from the day before. Then I took Doreen to a couple of second hand shops and back home for lunch and a quick visit with the neighbors.
Storm is going through another teething stage and has found favor with the deck furniture cushions. Not good! I bought him some pork femur bones. Yeah, he turned his nose up at those. I redirect him to his toys as much as possible and super watch him when he is outside.

This mornings chores got done rather quickly, though I did take the time to have the babies follow me around their pen before coming in. Today there is suppose to be thunder showers this afternoon. So I am going to get the last flower bed and three bleeding heart planters cleaned out. Maybe a half hour worth of work. Doreen is going out with me and sitting in the fresh air while I work.
If I can make myself sit still I am suppose to try to stay of my feet as much as possible today. My left foot is so sore it hurts to walk. I think it is my plantar fasciitis acting up again. It's that or the bone spurs in my heal have come back and possibly both. There is so much to get done though, so I am not sure if I can force myself to catch up on some shows or not. i would like to try to get some of this stuff done and sit inside when it's raining..We will see. Off to get started.