Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
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S Indiana
She? Who "she"? What did I miss? I thought you weren't granted custody of the grandkids.

I'm so confused (and what else is new??)

Her oldest daughter. The grandkids that she’s fighting for custody of are one of her son’s kids...I think...lol


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@Bruce , @Wehner Homestead is correct. The she is my oldest daughter. The grand kids I am fighting for are my oldest son's. That is still in appeal's court. Could take up to six months from filing date to get an answer there.

Yesterday: I got everything accomplished on my to do list except for outdoor activities as it rained all day. I also threw in two carpets getting shampooed, thanks to the help from my DD.

Today brings more rain this am. So farm chores before a mid am doctors appointment for my foot and to discuss a machine for my sleep Apnea. Hoping it clears off and dries out so we can get the yard finished. I also have to write a letter stating that my DD & her kids live here and get that to the school. The school told her they don't have any idea when the kids will be able to start.

DD has a small dog in the family named Oscar. Storm is loving this addition to the household and he adores all 4 of the kids.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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7:30 pm, evening chores done, dinner out of the way & dishes washed. The grand kids are outside playing and I am winding down from the day. DD and I managed to get the yard finished & I was able to plant some flowers Doreen received as Mother's Day gifts. Tomorrow I am hoping to rake this massive yard, dry the grass and give it to the goats. My Nigerians loved the dried grass, we will see if these do as well. I also want to start getting the yard ornaments out. That I will do over a few days. Here is a picture of Doreen's wishing well and flowers from her daughter.

Doctor's appointment this morning revealed what I already knew. Heal spur on left foot. Waiting for appointment with orthopedic doctor to figure out what can be done/what will be done. I also pulled a muscle in my upper back that affects my shoulder and neck, causing headaches as well. Got medication to help with that.
This evening I had a blast with the babies. I picked greens from the trees as they can't reach them yet. They went crazy. Almost knocking me down in their greediness:love. I didn't think another goat would steal my heart after having to give up Mavis & Poppit, but these little ones certainly have. They are growing quite nicely. Sage is turning out to be a character. Ginger is just to dignified for to much romping around.

Storm is being a character today as well. Here he has decided that he can fit into the smaller crate again. IMG_20180523_185639.jpg He hasn't been in this crate since he was like 4 months old.

So I am off to take my meds and crawl into bed early. Storm has been getting me up at 6 am again.


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True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@Bruce , Actually turns out there was a small piece of a raw hide treat he decided he wanted. As far as the school goes, right...by time they get started here it will be time to get out for the summer.

Took the babies out with the older girls for a little while. I think the babies would be ok in there by themselves. Problem is they follow me everywhere. So when I go to leave they follow me and go back to their pen. So one day this week I am just going to take the two girls out, show them where the water is located and attempt to leave them in there. Neither Sage or Ginger seem aggressive now. Ginger as you will see from the pictures goes and lays down and just doesn't seem to care that they are there. Sage interacted with them today with little signs of aggressiveness and that occurred when they went near Ginger.

Winchester is 10 weeks tomorrow and down to 10 ounces twice a day of milk. Rio & Nutmeg are 9 weeks on Friday and at 15 ounces twice a day of milk. Juniper is 9 weeks on Saturday and on 15 ounces of milk twice a day. Eating a cup and a half of pellets a day(each), a fat sleeve of hay each day for all of them(last until the next day) All are eating browse & grass. All drinking water very well.

Got the grass cut around the hay barn today and started on the area that is still to wet to get it all mowed. Now my mower seems to want a break. It's a used mower and gets a little finicky sometimes. Will try again in a little bit.IMG_20180524_132149.jpg IMG_20180524_132210.jpg IMG_20180524_132221.jpg IMG_20180524_132316.jpgIMG_20180524_132354.jpg IMG_20180524_132504.jpg IMG_20180524_132510.jpg IMG_20180524_132217.jpg IMG_20180524_132643.jpg


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True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Today Nutmeg is feeling much better. Tonight she drank her bottle, ate some pellets and seems to be back to normal. Very active and alert again.
Not much for farm chores got done today except the routine feeding & watering. Spent the day working on getting the pool open and ready for opening treatment. Doreen's son came and hooked the pump back up. My DD & I got most of the leaves off the makeshift pool cover(what my brother set up for the last few years). Then we had help getting that off. Then she & I picked up all the sand bags and put them up for storage. Then we had to add water to get it up above the skimmer opening. Tomorrow I will get pump going and add the treatment in. Then I am praying that I will get some help with vacuuming this baby. Doreen use to have a bottom vac robot we called R2D2, but he died and I don't have the money for another....so it's hand vacuuming.
Still have a small patch of far back yard to finish mowing. Then I have to get things set up for a small cook out we are having on Sunday. Plus keep up with the house this weekend as DD went camping. I have her two girls with me (unusual circumstances there). They are 11 & 9 so they help with some things.
Clouding over here, so it looks like dusk already...not liking that..usually I am outside until much later. Oh well, I reckon I could get to painting the yard ornament tonight. I started one yesterday. DD started one the day before. These are not huge, but not tiny either. I will get pictures of those when they are done too.
I inquired about an 1 year old Nigerian buck. He is on the small side, but can be registered if I choose(don't know yet). I won't know until Sunday if I can even get him. Some one is looking at him Saturday, if they don't take him I am next in line. When she wrote back she said she would have a couple of does for sale in the near future. I am certainly hoping this all works out, Love the Nubian/Alpine mixes I have, however I miss my Nigerians. We will see what the future holds. I certainly will have to make sure my buck pen is up to par. I wouldn't want the Nubian/Alpine buck getting to any Nigerians.