Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@Latestarter , now there is a thought!:duc

Ok, so I apologies for the rant yesterday. Sometimes it gets so over whelming. The weather keeping me indoors where I don't like to be didn't help. Especially since I am not ready to dwell in my own thoughts.
Today is much better. I got up earlier, the other half got up earlier. Animals where taken care of at a decent time. The weather is beautiful. I can work on pool some more and finish up the little patch of mowing near the fence. Plus I got a decent nights sleep.
So I am going to try the video "thing". Hopefully it comes out right and not sideways. Just a quick clip of chicks & ducklings finally wandering out into the run.
I included two photos below of the chicks & ducklings in case video doesn't work.
@Southern by choice : Here are some views of the kids looking down over their backs while they eat their pellets this morning.
Pic 1 Nutmeg, Pic 2 Nutmeg next to Rio
IMG_20180619_091237.jpg IMG_20180619_091241.jpg
Pic 1 Juniper Pic 2 Winchester
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Chicks & ducklings
IMG_20180619_091332.jpg IMG_20180619_091347.jpg


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Glad ya are feeling better!!....some good rest can be very beneficial in maintaining one's sanity. My Mom had a general house rule.....he that doesn't work, doesn't eat....it doesn't take long before the incentive begins to change attitudes on doing some simple chores.....:)
If they don't care enough to help out, then they are only in it for what they can get outta ya....and ya certainly don't need that many invalids to wait on and cater too....you are worth sooo much More than that!!.....hope they can get it into gear and show ya how appreciative they are.....:)


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So yesterday I was able to finally finish up mowing the "hay field", patch of grass directly in front of the pasture. It's a patch that stays wet until about this time of year. So it has to wait. Parts of it were still damp, but got it done. In the Spring it's like swamp land, so I believe there is a natural spring that flows just beneath the surface. Once the heat of summer kicks in it dries up. Another good rain and we will have to start the process of mowing the yard again. We are looking for another riding mower, but Charlie only has a couple 100.00 saved so far and we haven't found anything real cheap. Hopefully before Summer is over we can find something.

I got the call to go pick up Sally & Sonny. The two Dwarf Nigerian that my sister-in-law contacted me about. So tonight at 6 pm I will go with the expectation of picking them up, but I have many questions for the owner first.

I also received some potential bad news, but we are taking this news one day at a time and hopefully it will be straightened out. Doreen's daughter in law is her power of attorney. She has control of Doreen's money and was suppose to be paying the bills. Well we recently found out that she had not been making the house payments. Doreen's daughter talked with her and we thought everything was going to be straightened out then. Doreen's daughter got served with papers yesterday concerning the unpaid payments. They called the mortgage company who is mailing out some paper work, she is hoping that this paperwork will help with getting things back on track. Doreen is totally unaware of the whole situation. I am extremely worried about the whole thing. I don't know much about foreclosures so I don't know how much notification we will get if they do foreclose and we have to move. There is not a darn thing I can do except wait. I do not have the funding to catch up somebody else's house payments.
I have been scanning the apartment ads just in case. However, I would have to locate a place big enough to accommodate for my daughter & her 4 kids as well. She will be seeking employment once she returns in August. So yeah, things are definitely very iffy here.
I did let the owner of the goats know this , to some extent, no details. She still is ok with me taking the goats and that bothers me as well. However, in her defense, she is 60 years old with about 30 chickens and the goats are penned with the chickens. These goats were given to her with the knowledge that they would be re-homed asap, because she didn't want to have goats.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Damn! I ASSUME Doreen has enough money for the bills to get paid. Sounds like Doreen needs a new POA person. And, dare I say it, have the DIL investigated for the potential of Elder Abuse by embezzling her assets. I know, not nice but you and I both have heard of this sort of thing happening. Trust someone and they enrich themselves while leaving you in the lurch :somad


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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The mess with the house is in the process of trying to be taken care of. If it is, then the POA will be changed again. Nobody wants to pursue anything legal with the current POA as she is family. I am just praying that my brother & his wife can get the loan they are applying for to cover the back payments. They are doing this because they got added to Doreen's deed so if she went into a home down the road the state couldn't touch the house.

Now onto my critters. I had to cancel last nights pick up of the DN goats as Doreen was having a very emotional day. I am hoping I can go tonight to get them, but that has not been confirmed yet.
@Southern by choice , keeping all the Nubian/Alpine mixes on pellets and I am going to start adding a bit of Alfalfa pellets in with their regular pellets. Younger ones are doing well in the pasture with older ones. Feeding time has started to become a small issue so I will have to start standing guard until younger ones are done. The older does have discovered that once they finish their's they can go and push the younger ones out of their feed dish. With four younger ones eating at the same time I don't reckon there is much left when the older does get there, but I need to watch this morning and see.
Chicks & Ducklings are doing awesome and spend a good part of their day out in the run now. More pics as soon asap.
I have to check the weather, but fence line is getting weeded today or tomorrow. Also time to work on a couple of other projects.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Suggestion? Feed the littles inside the barn with the gate closed so they can't get out and the adults can't get in. When they are done eating, open the gate and the adults will finish any leftovers if there are any. If leftovers, you know to lessen the amount you give next time around. Couple days and you'll have it all figured out. Then they'll change what they're doing and you can start adjusting all over again! I lay out the feed bowls in 2 lines about 20' apart and stand between the adult (large) bowls and the kids (small) bowls and block the adults from getting to them until the kids are through eating and are off moving around. When I open the gate, they all come charging out and they all know which side they belong to and they run right to it and start attacking the pellets.