Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@CntryBoy777 , isn't a whole lot out there that I am going to allow to slow me down and if it does it isn't going to be for very long.
The ducks are actually Indian Runner ducks. I have been wanting some for a few years now. Finally found some close enough to make the drive(2 hrs) worth it to get them. I picked up the pullets while I was there, those were not "planned".
So back from doctors and this in my introduction to Lyme Disease. Sorry, I am not a pretty young women any more:D =D
IMG_20180630_131226.jpg So 28 days of hard antibiotics, then retested and see from there. This appeared over the last week week and a half. Didn't even know I was bite this time.
Having lunch now then off to clean the coop. That will make all those young fowl happy.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Oh my!!.....sure hate to hear about it being a tick that bit ya, sure do wish ya a full recovery without any lasting affects from it too......:hugs.....as soon as I read your post I remembered ya saying they were runners.....boy, will those be a Treat for ya to watch.....the larger one could be a drake, but would keep an eye on it and listen to the vocals....that will show up sooner than any other sign......:).....be careful working in the sun while taking the antibiotics, but ya probably already know that.....:fl


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Oh MY!
Well you sure didn't need that. And apparently you have the "no bullseye" rash so not even an obvious thing to diagnose.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Awake at 4 am this morning..up with first cup of coffee & dogs out by 4:30 am. Unfortunately Storm was having stomach issues this am, I didn't read his whining for what it meant an he had an accident in his kennel. So I get the lovely job of cleaning that. Thankfully the temps are suppose to be back down today. Hopefully humidity is as well. Garden hose near the edge of the tree line to clean initially. Then I have a vinegar mix to clean after it dries from being hosed out.
So antibiotics are finally kicking in. Itchiness is waning off. I did an absolute no no yesterday..lesson learned there. My coffee wasn't ready so I took my med with some soda...definitely didn't sit well and my goats got introduced to the awful sound of a human getting sick. The looks on there faces was priceless! If I didn't feel so horrid at the moment I would have busted a gut laughing. Spent the better part of the day feeling not so well.
Pool is on hold. I need to buy new water lines for the pump house. Not willing to do that as the house situation is still up in the air. If they can save the house I will fix it, if not the job will belong to whomever gets the house. SIL will arrive this coming Monday for 2 weeks. She is planning on taking her mom back with her either for a few weeks or permanently. Will find out as time goes by. SIL is one power of attorney and Doreen's DIL is the other. The DIL is still spending money were he shouldn't be spent. SIL is in the process of closing down the bank account and getting a new one opened with out DIL name on it. She was told that was the only why she could stop DIL from having access as Doreen is to far gone to legally change anything.
In the mean time I am still taking it one day at a time. Enjoying the goats, ducks and chickens. I lost one chicken do to drowning in the new set up for the ducks. Not sure why it was unable to stand up on the ramp but it is over now so forward we go.
I do need to start working with Storm on a leash so he learns to walk real well on it as we may end up back in the city limits (uggg) and he won't have the freedom to just hang outside. That is going to be a difficult adjustment for him.
BRB...more coffee.
Both Willow & Storm have been outside enjoying the cooler air this morning. Going to be out there soon myself.
I returned to church this past Sunday...may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I believe it will help me with all these changes in my life. For me my faith is my constant and going regularly again will keep it strong.
I definitely don't need any rabbits not now or in the future...lol. I don't eat rabbit so having them would not benefit me in anyway except in cuteness overload. That would be a waste of money that often can be tight as it is. Speaking of money, yesterday was a run to TS to restock feed for all animals. Fiance' forgot the dog food so I will have to go back for that. Thankfully we don't wait until we are completely out to restock.
I have to laugh a little(but only a little). I am still trying to get the goats separated. You would think I would just o it and be done. Well Sally has decided that she got zapped to harshly and does not want to come out of the "safe" buck pen. Not even with Sonny. So today I am going to get the feed dish and put it outside the buck pen. Leave buck pen gate open, Make sure they have fresh cool water, feed them and walk away. I will be outside taking care of other yard work so I can make sure they don't bust down the fence again. This afternoon I can put Sam back in the buck pen. As long as Sonny & Sally don't tear the fence down I will let Sonny stay with the girls. It will be rough for Sam for a bit. I will get him another buddy to hang with if we keep the house. In the mean time I hope he is ok just hearing and seeing the other goats. I definitely can't separate Sally & Sonny. Only other thing I can do is allow Sally to stay in with the two boys and risk an unknown delivery date on Sally in the future. At this point I am not sure which is the lesser of the to evils??? Right now I am leaning toward letting Sally stay with Sonny & Sam until we have to sale or until I can get another wether to hang with Sam.
And now it's off to get things done.....Hope everyone has a wonderful Fourth of July!


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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ok 9:25 am: letter written to son, Goats fed & watered....chopped down some browse for them as well. Ducks & chickens fed & watered. Put smaller bathing bowl back in run until they discover the blue one isn't going to eat them. Redesigned my gate to make it easier for me to get in and out, especially when carrying items. Hosed out two dog crates & washed out to buckets to be put up until winter. Then put all the pool floats, noodles and such neatly in pool house and shut door. Picked up some trash in the area of pool house, put all my tools and garden hose away where they belong. Set the two crates on a platform to dry in the sun. I then texted my neighbor/boss (part time) to meet at her garage to measure an possibly get an ac unit. I had to move somethings around to get to them. I found one to fit. Unfortunately there is a heavier unit to be moved first. I have to wait for some help on that one. Now back inside with third cup of coffee. Everyone else is still ASLEEP! WHAT??!!
So I thought I would check back in to see if anyone had left a suggestion on the goats. Nothing yet.
Anyway, I was going to turn the three younger does out in bigger pasture. Test fence first I said...hmmm down to 3000. Now I have to walk the fence line in the sun that I am not suppose to be in for long periods. Um yup, going to do it anyways, it has to be done and my other household members are not even close to being even hobby farmers.
Fell this morning, tripped over a small log. That's what I get for trying to hurry again. Slow down Cheryl! Exactly what I said to myself as I rolled over to get the right foot under me to get up. Glad I carry my phone with me. That way if I can't get myself back up I can call someone.
Was giving thought to putting Quackers and the rest of the duck gang in the buck pen. However, I am not sure if the electric fence would kill them if they touched it.Anyone? I have a hot wire running midway up pallets to keep the bucks from ramming the pallets and one up top(not worried about this one with ducks. These particular ones don't fly.) to keep bucks from jumping over.Plus I would have to come up with a way for them to get their feed but not the goats. Was thinking it would give them a bigger area plus that would leave the chickens feeling less crowded. Then to, I might loose one or two while they learn to run and hide from any hawks. The trees are pretty thick in there so it wouldn't be easy for a hawk to just swoop down. More worried about the fence then the hawks. I have two wooden boxes that can be used as duck houses. I would just have to drag two solid pallets in to set them on so there would be a floor to them. I can center them among the trees. I would have to carry water a bit further for their pool but that is ok.
So off I go again to get more done. Ahh another human has appeared from the deep fog of sleep.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Boy do I know how that being in "limbo" surely is....and it sure isn't pleasent.....that heatwave has to be brutal up there for y'all up there.....the AC here runs all day everyday here and cuts off after midnite and gets a break....hope you and yours are able to endure it without too much stress....especially You!!.....don't push yourself....your body already has something to deal with, and adding to it in heat certainly isn't the thing to do......I'm not familiar with electric fence, so can't help ya there.....but, our goats loved for the ducks to be with them in the field.....they would intermingle and the goats would walk around them giving them space.....the ducks will catch flies and bugs as the goats disturb the grass and anything that eats flies, wasps, and bees is just fine for them. Runners are "geared" towards foraging and they also eat snails and slugs that can carry liverflukes.....makes for a great companion animal.....:)


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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I heard from SIL yesterday. She informs me that we will know what is going on with the house by this Friday. I can say that things are not looking good. I have made contact with an old landlord of mine and I have to call him on Monday. I let him know via text that I was needing a place for 8 people, 2 dogs and 2 cats. Hopefully he comes through for me. My son's two cats and Storm are going absolutely no where.
Now onto brighter things.
I will be moving the ducks to the buck pen, but not today as it is suppose to be in the 90's again. I am so over this unbearable heat & humidity. Summer is one thing, but this is another level. So outside I try to get things done before it gets to hot. Right now it is already 73 and humid. So I got the animals fed & watered. I did not work on the fence yesterday because it got hot fast. Tomorrow and Saturday it's only suppose to be in the high 70's so maybe I can get it done & get ducks moved in those two days. For now I will just have to deal with the fact that I may have pregnancies I did not want just yet. However, smart choice is to take care of myself. As long as the animals are all healthy that is the main importance.
I purchased a used AC unit for my bedroom. Hopefully it gets put in today:fl. We have been sleeping on the sofa bed for the last 5 days. The living room AC keeps the downstairs cool and all three bedrooms upstairs has AC. My room did not have AC as I like to sleep with the windows open and fan on, but it doesn't help in this heat. I do want my bed back...lol. It wll only be a few days as that is where my SIL will have to go while she is here:)barnie 2 weeks).

My brother called today. The one with skin cancer. He has gone to the doctor's because he has red streaks shooting down from one of the surgical sites under his arm. I know what this is and I hope they have caught it in time. We will see, he is suppose to call me later and let me know.
Trixie's growth (cat with cancer) is definitely spreading a lot more. I can now feel it from her shoulder blades down her back to about mid point. Off to one side is a large mass and a small mass on the other side toward her rear leg. She is not so inclined to jump up on furniture any more either. She does not appear to be in any pain, which is a good thing. I must say I would rather have her pass while we are living in the country then when/if we have to move back to the city limits. However, as long as she is not in pain and can get around I am more than happy that she is still with us.
Finally my appointment for my foot is this afternoon. Not expecting any relieve today though. Most likely will set up PT...hope that happens soon as this to is getting unbearable.
Sorry so full of complaints, just seems like everything is hitting at once again.
All in all, I can still get around, laugh and am over all healthy so it's another good day!


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Hopefully this will allow you to view the ducklings bathing this am.

4 of the chicks, Ducks preening after bath, Sally & Sonny saying hello this am, Sammie, Dash & Dot. Flash was behind the trees.

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True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So found out today that SIL can't save the house. Now we have to find a place...Nothing we can afford in the country...so once again it's bye bye hobby farm. I am so done!