Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
My heart goes out to ya....we have about 2-3 wks left here and are searching for something to rent in the area....still have to get rid of the goats, but things are falling apart on us too.....sure glad ya found good homes and hope ya can find something to head to that will accomodate your situation there......:hugs:hugs:(


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So the next few weeks are going to be difficult. I am setting up times now for the people to come pick up the animals. The ducks will be going on Friday. I spend sometime everyday just sitting in the pen letting them get use to me being there. They are doing great. Definitely going to miss watching them grow and develop into mature ducks.
IMG_20180710_102612.jpg IMG_20180710_102621.jpg Yesterday am. I threw some food about near the water pan and about 5 minutes later they came down to eat and bathe. Today it only took about 3 minutes.

Waiting on responses from people wanting the goats & chickens.

Another hard thing coming up is watching my SIL go through her mom's house and determining what to keep, throw away, sell or give away. I just know I am going to break down at some point.

I think I am going to work with Storm on the leash today as it is cooler today than it has been.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
It has been said before but anyone reading this thread has to have a slight bit of understanding of what you are going through. I guess nobody truly knows unless they have gone through similar.



Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
They certainly do grow fast....we got started dismantling things today and got some moved to storage....the heat index here is in the triple digits approaching 110°....it sure makes this even more difficult than it should be.....hugs to ya....:hugs


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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It been busy here this week. The ducks went to there new home on Friday. Very sweet young women. The goats all went together yesterday. This family bought the 5 I had to sell back in Jan. because of my knee surgery. That was pretty cool. Sam will join BB & Rambo in helping them build their goat herd up. The goats all followed me out to the truck with the grain bucket. One by one they were settled in together with no problem at all. I sent feed dishes, water buckets and a large chicken feeder with them.
The person who was suppose to take the pullets didn't show or contact me. So they are still here. I will send their feeder, water container and any chicken supplies with them.
Now I need to gather what supplies are left and offer them to somebody who needs them. Along with dismantling the buck pen and shelters after Doreen goes to her daughters.
I started working on a project I had been saving for the winter months. I am stripping, sanding and refinishing an old commode my fiance's mother gave me. Need to pick up a sander and paint stripper today after church. The commode was three different colors. Yellow, blue and finally pink. I am not painting it. I am going to stain & varnish it. I will post before, during and after photo's if I do a decent job. This is my first and refinishing. I have a couple of other pieces to do as well. Now hoping I can get them all done before September 1st.
Yes that is my tentative move date. I have located an apartment with heat & trash included. Big enough for all 8 of us(4 bedroom) and accepts dogs & cats. It is also a downstairs apartment(thankfully). Unfortunately in the city limits where neither DD1 or I wanted to be. We don't like the school system in the city and her oldest daughter (12) struggles in this school system. I am hoping that I will be able to help with that. I just don't care for city living. Grant you this is not a big city, but for me it's still city living. I will adjust.
I have a few days of work this week with estate sale stuff. Mostly helping another person move things from one property to another until they figure out where they are setting up for there next sale. It will keep my mind busy and wear me out, which should help me sleep at night.
It's so peaceful here especially in the am. Sitting here typing with the back door open. Listening to all the animals talking to each other. Birds, chipmunks and squirrels. Use to be the ducks and goats and chickens as well. Chickens are quiet this am so far.
Sister in law (Doreen's daughter) is here for another week. Hopefully not quite that long. I want my bed back(lol).
They already have to offers on the house. One is Doreen's step son & family. They want to purchase it for the remainder left owed. 63,000. Could you imagine getting a 3 bedroom, full living room, full dinning room, decent size kitchen, 1 and 1/2 bath with laundry, basement, 2 car garage, a pool(working with a little repair, not a huge cost), front porch, a deck, dog pen, & two out buildings on I believe a couple of acres for that!
Another person has offered a sizable sum, that would pay off the remainder and put a decent amount into Doreen's account. Providing another person doesn't squander that away as well. Any rate it's now who ever comes up with the money first. Either way Doreen doesn't get to stay in her home. Second person is a friend of DD2 & her family. So guess what....yup, if this person gets the house then DD2 & her family get to enjoy the fruits of Doreen's & her late husbands labor. Lordy, life just is not fair sometimes.
DD2 did say that if Tom got the house she had asked him to allow me to keep the animals here. I told her I was done with the traveling to another location to care for animals. Especially in the winter. She admitted that it was her way of getting me to "her" place to visit everyday. I will obviously find enough time to visit a couple of times a week no matter where she lives, but not everyday.
and that should catch everyone up to where I am at to this point.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Sucks that you have to once again give everything up. Truly sorry you're dealing with this yet again. OK... just to be clear... you're refinishing a commode? :ep:thA commode is a toilet... :duc:hide Am I missing something or perhaps the wrong terminology is being used? :hu


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
you're refinishing a commode? :ep:thA commode is a toilet... :duc:hide Am I missing something or perhaps the wrong terminology is being used? :hu

Perhaps she's referring to something like this:


"Some people use commode as a euphemism for toilet. But the word can also be used to describe a chest of drawers—a usage that is perhaps more common among antique furniture enthusiasts. ... In early 18th-century France, the word commode meant a chest of drawers or a cabinet for storing personal items."


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@Latestarter & @frustratedearthmother , yes , however the one given to me is missing the towel rack. This is the one my fiance's mom gave me. I have most of the paint stripped from the main piece. Haven't started on the drawers or door.14591703_1488818771144560_3708500050832993432_n.jpg The door is to hide the clean chamber pot. The deep drawers are for the towels and such. The small long drawer is for razors and other personal items such as brush, comb...etc.
Once I get it all stripped I will take pictures before the next step. My current neighbor was giving me some pointers and said if I follow his advice I won't have to sand anything down. This one is made of Oak according to him. So I am looking forward to a great looking piece when I am done.
The desk I am doing after(providing I do well) he said is Maple. Again, it will be a great looking desk if I do well. So far he says I am doing very well.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
How darn decent of stepson to offer to buy the house for what is left on the mortgage :smack SOB. Let's just cheat step mom out of what remains of her assets.

Sell to DD2's friend IF the offer is at least when the property is worth.

Providing another person doesn't squander that away as well.
:somad How is it possible said other person would have even a .0000001% chance of touching the money? She NEEDS to be in jail for embezzlement and elder abuse. Family or not family. Maybe ESPECIALLY since she is family, you do NOT screw your family. Did I mention :somad


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Watching this family handle this situation is beyond hilarious(in a it's not funny, but it's crazy way). There is another offer out there on the house. Of course these are only if any of them get a loan before time runs out, which was moved to August 10th.
This offer was explained to us last night. A friend of the family is trying to get a loan to pay off the balance of the mortgage, but with the stipulation that Doreen and my family can remain in the home until Doreen passes or becomes unmanageable at home. So her daughter said she is still following through with her plans as we don't know if any loans will get secured and she said it's who ever comes up with the money first.
No matter which way it all goes, I am here until September. If someone buys it before then, they will have to do an eviction process if they try to put me out before then. The eviction process will take longer than a month and a half, so it will be null and void before it even gets to the court room. So far step-son & DD2 friend says it is not a problem. So we just ride this ride until it's officially over.
In the mean time...DD1 came in late last night with her two girls. The girls will stay with me this week while DD1 returns to NY for a few days and then returns with her two boys. I decided to attempt to get pool up and running again so we can use it while we are all here. Besides, I don't have animals to take care of or a lawn to push mow, so I now have a lot of free time.
I have a few days of work this week moving furniture & household items for the estate sales. So that will help fill the time and provide some money toward the moving cost.
Now it's off to work on pool and more on the commode I hope.