Grey Wolves back in the news.

Farmer Kitty

True BYH Addict
Jul 3, 2008
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wynedot55 said:
the gov needs to pay for all the cows an calves they kill.
Don't hold your breath on that one-we value you as a member!


Likes frogs
Oct 9, 2008
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Farmer Kitty said:
wynedot55 said:
the gov needs to pay for all the cows an calves they kill.
Don't hold your breath on that one-we value you as a member!
I have to agree with Kitty! If you hold your breath on that one, who will tell me "stories" of the Mythological Beefmasters?

From what I understand, our goverment was working on something to do with paying us back for animals lost to predators.
But, that only works if you can prove it happened!
If a calf goes missing, it's kinda hard to prove anything!


Old Bull
Jul 3, 2008
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they dont intend to pay for losses like that.thats why i dont mind killing anything that i catch killing livestock.


True BYH Addict
Sep 26, 2008
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Extreme NE South Dakota
Yup, Obama is gung ho to save the wolves. He's also gung ho to allow our tax money to be used to abort babies all over the world. He's gung ho to halt offshore drilling. He's appointed a tax dodger to head the IRS. It's going to be a looooooooooong four years.

Pure Country

Chillin' with the herd
Nov 10, 2008
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Macon, Ga
Ok, I know I am not going to be very well liked after this and will probably be called a bunny hugger, but this is what I believe and it is my opinion. I used to own a wolf hybrid, half timber/half German Shepherd. One of the BEST dogs I have ever owned. She died almost 3 yrs ago at the age of 12. She was 6 wks. old when we got her. Unless you knew what you were looking at, you didn't know she had wolf in her. When we got her I did a lot of research on the hybrids and wolves. I have always liked wolves. Would I get another one if I could? You bet!

I know it needs to be done, but I don't like it. Wolves normally do not hunt for sport. They hunt for food. Now you may have a rogue wolf or an outcast that may be doing this but for the most part, wolves kill only what they can eat. No, it's not what I learned from the government. I have no use for the government, it was I have learned. Watch a family of wolves. Humans can learn a lot from these animals. It's because of humans, wolves do what they do. Humans have caused so much trouble and tribulations for animals. Why do you think you see so many wild animals in people's yards, etc? Because humans are forcing them there. They are taking away their food sources, they homes by cutting down trees, building all over the place. Yeah, I know they can be a problem to livestock, etc. But you are in their territory. The government leases out all this land to ranchers, etc but they don't give a thought about the wildlife that live on that land. They were here before humans were. HUMANS are the problem. Don't blame the wolves or bear or cougar. They are doing what they can to survive. Just like we do.

Wolves are a vital part of the eco system, as are many other predators, but if they are getting over populated, they do need to be regulated. Should the population deteriorate(?) again, they should be put back on the endangered species list. Should I be in an area where wolves are a problem, I would not like it but would do what I needed to do. Actually, I think I would like to live close to where wolves are. Our problem is coyotes. They haven't bothered the calves, yet, they just pass thru the pasture. We used to have problems with our neighbors dogs. It is open season on coyotes and should we have a problem with them, one of the girls will be up top, sitting in their truck, with their shotguns waiting for one to pass thru. The only problem is, they normally do it at night. We have been known to have bobcat in our area tho I haven't seen or heard one is a long time. We have even seen signs of bear but not in a long time.

Our cattle are not our lifestyle anyway. I guess you could say they are more of a working hobby. We have lost animals to a freak accident(snake bite) or being born prematurely. One broodcow had triplets and lost all of the. We had several sets of twins and they survived. I work full time, my girls work full time in law enforcement and hubby is a retired federal firefighter w/100% VA disability.