I found the list of specialty shows for Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas state fairs to use as start my list. Then I ruled out the micro <4lbs and giant >11lb breeds. I found my ancient 2011-2015 Standards of Perfection and book marked the potential breeds. Cassandra read it BY HERSELF and fell in love with description of Rex fur.
So we are probably doing mini-Rex or Rex. I am also interested in the Havanas...
I have a 10'x20' carport frame I will recover for the rabbitry. I am looking at 24"l x24"d cages for singles and 36"l x24"d doe cages with hang on front next boxes. The shallow width is so Cassandra can reach.
I don't know if 18" is tall enough for a standard rex? Would there be room to add a shelf for extra floor space?
Cage size is ok, but don ot bothwr with mini Rex. If she does a standard Rex or California breed she can breed and enter meat pens for auction, as well as singles for the standard show. A good meat rabbit breed will raise kits to make 5 lbs at 8-10 weeks. Breed 100 days before the show date and you will have a meat pen that is right on the money as far as weights.