I will when I get home I guess....I have a Doctors appointment today, then work, then who knows what, so I don't know when I'll be home.....what if they sold him already?!
This forum has given me lots of things to do lately....so far I've gotten into photography, thanks to Redtailgals photography challenges (which I really enjoy, by the way. I'm actually about to go outside and work on the bug one!) And now, since I saw it mentioned on a thread here, I'm looking into dandelion recipes (which sound very good. I had no idea you could make lemonade from them, or coffee!) And from a really really ancient thread I found a really cool way to dye eggs with onion skin. You people are really keeping me occupied!
Just finished makind dandelion fritters for the first time I liked them a lot, my mother pronounced them "interesting", my father appeared to enjoy them, my brother didn't say anything but he'd eat anything, so that's not much of an accomplishment, and Ownedby3alpacas wouldn't even try one. She's no fun I think I would like to make them again, and maybe with a little variation...maybe a little honey in the batter? I think that sounds good. I'd like to try the lemonade recipe too, as soon as we get a couple more weeds around here
I was looking at ducklings on craigslist...it is a very VERY bad idea to let me near baby animals I want ducklings!! I can't have any though We haven't hatched anything in so long, and we certainly haven't gotten any babies lately...pretty sad. I know I could never get ducks because we only just got rid of our entire flock of geese and ducks (not Colin!) and I can't see my father agreeing to any more for the next 40 years...
But they're so FUZZY!!!! I like fuzz!! And I miss those little quacky noises ducks make when they're happy, and I miss holding babies Someday I'll have a big flock of ducks to eat the snails and slugs out of my goats pasture