Whoa, now...slow down before you go injecting your goat with formaldehyde.bbredmom said:Ok, I apparently lied. The lump hasn't gotten any smaller, and now the hair is falling out in the center.
The seller straight up lied. I asked her if it was CL, and she said "Oh no, I had the vet come out and look at it. He said it was a cyst."
So I'm going to try the formalin. Any idea where I could buy that locally, or do I need to get it off amazon?
Seems to me that nothing's changed except that there's hair slipping off it now, but that doesn't prove anything about what type of abscess you're looking at. There's no way to know that "the seller straight-up lied" simply because there's hair falling off of it..
The abscess is still on the cheek, right beside the molars...right?
There's no lymph node there. CL doesn't grow knots where there's no lymph node. That's what CL is -- caseous (cheese-like) lymphaden...(of, or having to do with, the lymphadic system)...itis (inflammation).
Cheese-like inflammation of the lymphadic system.
I'm still gonna say there's about a 99% chance this is NOT a CL abscess. I still think there's about a 99% chance that the goat bit her cheek, but instead of either being re-absorbed or rupturing inside the mouth, it's gonna rupture to the outside.
Get her in a stanchion. Take a sharp knife and and make a small, vertical incision on the bottom part of the lump...think of 6:30 on an analog clock...the hands are where you want the incision. Squeeze out the crud. Flush the hole thoroughly w/ 7% iodine. Turn loose of the goat. Send part of the crud to the vet so they can have it cultured. Burn the rest.
Then just sit back and wait for the culture to return a positive for corynebacterium....not pseudotuberculosis, but pyogenes, yay!...so you can breathe again.