I have silkies, RIRs, Barred Rocks, 1 turken, 1 amerucana, 2 EEs. We are getting more RIRs this spring, some welsummers, sussex's and wyandottes. Oh! and we ordered some white layer and Golden 300 layer ducks!
From Vermonter to Vermonter. I know your orchard. A great place with many return customers. Are your chickens located in the building at the end of the drive?
I have chickens(2 comets, 3 EE's & 5 Amerucanas & 2 Leghorns) We are hoping that some will actually hatch their chicks this Spring. I have two or three that were starting to set in the late Fall. I also have Dwarf Nigerian goats & two Soay sheep. My journal is Kickinupdust if you care to take a look. Nothing grand. Hobby farm leading into what I hope will be a way of life. Most of my buildings & fencing is refurbished materials.
I will add that because of your location you may want to research the possibility of a Livestock Guardian dog. Especially when you bring in more livestock.
My hobby farm is located on Route 3 toward Proctor. Not to far out of town and the Coyotes have been making themselves known. The last month they have grown pretty bold about coming up near the back fence line. I do have 2 adult Great Pryenees & two mixed 5 month old pups.
Good luck with your added venture and looking forward to seeing more from you on this sight.
We actually built a coop next to the screened in porch. The little red building is used as a storage for now, but we do want to use it as something else eventually. We have absolutely been talking about LGD because any bigger livestock is going to be further from the house, and closer to the woods where they would make an easy meal. That is so cool that you are that close! I will deff read your journal.
Wow! Your Journal is awesome! I love all the pictures of the goats. It seems like you are doing a really good job. I've never had any bigger livestock, so its all really new to me. This spring/summer i am going to try to get some fencings up to at least start getting ready to add more.
Another big howdy and welcome from the Great Lone Star State, where the stars at night are big and bright! Glad you found us! I hope you start a journal in the Social section so the rest of us can read up on life on an apple orchard. It sounds like it might be a lot of fun, lot of work, and a lot of joy... come to think of it that's what life on the ranch is too... fun, work and joy.
You can add me, I'm just south of St. Albans. Just 16 chickens at the moment, 9 are June 2012, 7 are June 2015. Only the latter are currently laying but the older girls have historically kicked back into gear mid-late February.
Been pondering LGD for my girls, I have space but no decent fencing.