Herd Master
I like your attitude!
Like your "SASS"... and agree with your thoughts.Like this one better. I can no longer used teh Spanish one. Nothing Sexy nor single on the 61 yr old,lol Sassy, maybe but more sarcastic,lol
In the Army the guys used Sh*t/Shower/Shave but I love yours. Can that include those who you want disappeared,lol I already told my in laws that if he does not behaves the racoons and predator will find him first. No, I already did all the killing I had to do when in service. The only will be an uninvited person inside my house without my permission. Then they can recover in a body bag.
It gets better,lol give me some time,lolI like your attitude!
Then a meat breed is what you want... again @Mini Horses has had Boer goats In the past I believe...Same hear. It was all grass but neighbor came with tractor and tilled it twice for 50 bucks. Began with a hoe but too much work for me. Told hub to just make frames cause I was not digging. Card board inside then soil and get with it before the train takes off, lol
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I know it is not the best wood but it was here and cheaper.
I do not drink goat mik. Just want the meat,lol and if they eat the grass, less mowing for me at least in the back.