Help needed please...trying to save my eight month old doe, got her in august ,

Bayleaf Meadows

True BYH Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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A lot of thought goes into getting another goat. How many goats do you want or are able to care for? What are you looking for in a goat? Is the goat from a disease free herd or could she be bringing illness to your herd with her? You may be getting heartache from this breeder or a nice doeling. But do you want to take a chance...You probably will have new goats of your own, maybe some kids in the spring? If you do decide to get her, I know you will give her lots of loving care.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
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North central florida
You can get ketone strips at the drug store and you can test her urine to see how she is doing. I do believe in miracles so keep on giving her the best and hopefully it will work out. She needs the best nutrition she can get right now, high in calories and low in volume. I would look at adding some calf Manna to her diet...slowly of course.

As I stated before, I would take the kid and have her checked.
Checked today, due to her age, prior nutrition and size of buck, he expects same situation. I am doing as you have suggested, she needs about two more weeks for kids to be born alive...if she goes into labor, or the same things start to happen to her he showed me how to do a c section if i want to try to save the kidswe are mentally drained and i am going to bed. Thank you so much, i will keep ambers information up to date for you to read, again thank you

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Greetings and welcome to BYH from NE TX! So glad you joined us, but sorry for the reason. There's a wealth of info, knowledge and experience shared in the multitude of threads. Now probably isn't the time, but later, you should browse around and see what interesting stuff you can find. By all means post away when the desire strikes you, especially if you have questions (provide as much detail/info as possible and pictures truly help)... With all the great folks here, generally someone will respond in no time at all. Please make yourself at home!

I only have a couple years experience... nowhere near the level as some others here. I had a doe get pregnant @ ~7 months last fall and she delivered with no issues at all. Not as young as yours, but in the wild, when they are in season, they get bred. In your situation I would be trying to assist with the birthing process. It sounds like she's worn out from trying to have them. IMHO, she's either not dilated enough, which you may be able to help with massage, or the first kid is misrepresenting and can't get out. Either way, she'll need help or you'll lose the doe and kids. Glove up and lube and you'll have to go internal and try and determine what's going on... If you7 can get a finger or two past the cervix, you should be able to feel hooves or nose... if not, then you'll need to try and determine what part of the kid you're feeling.

ETA: what breed of goat is it? Pictures always help when you need help...

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
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S Indiana
I’m so sorry that you lost Samantha. The first bred Nigerian that I bought was too small to be bred. It was horrible. I stayed with her and checked her (I raised Boers prior and have had cattle my whole life.) We ended up doing a csection on her and saved her. Lost the kid. I totally get it.

As far as another, if you get her, I’d contact the vet that was just there and discuss it with him. He will probably have you give her something called Lute or lutalyse about two weeks after you get her to make her abort any fetuses if she got bred. This would be the safest route and the med has to come from the vet anyway.

I’d just be tempted to wait and go elsewhere if I really wanted to add to my herd. My preference is to retain females born, if possible, instead of bringing more in.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
We have all NG DWARF, CAN'T UPLOAD ANY THING, DID get vet here, lost doe and one very large kid, vet thinks other sister goat will do same...may have better results after kids are more mature at birth.plan is if Amber starts heading down hill like her sister, vet showeh me how to c section then put mom down...planning for worst hopping for the best. Following vets directions for Amber...will keep everyone posted ✌

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I’m so sorry that you lost Samantha. The first bred Nigerian that I bought was too small to be bred. It was horrible. I stayed with her and checked her (I raised Boers prior and have had cattle my whole life.) We ended up doing a csection on her and saved her. Lost the kid. I totally get it.

As far as another, if you get her, I’d contact the vet that was just there and discuss it with him. He will probably have you give her something called Lute or lutalyse about two weeks after you get her to make her abort any fetuses if she got bred. This would be the safest route and the med has to come from the vet anyway.

I’d just be tempted to wait and go elsewhere if I really wanted to add to my herd. My preference is to retain females born, if possible, instead of bringing more in.
I agree, not feeling it with breeder, although she says she feels bad, can't feel as bad as we do, most likely to pass on her offer, thank you


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Once again, so sorry you're going through this. You didn't sign on for this for ask for it. I applaud that you did all that you could to try and get a positive result with Samantha. It's a shame that it wasn't possible. Fingers crossed :fl that things go differently with Amber. Get some rest and release some stress. We're here for you if/when you need an outlet.


Loving the herd life
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
West Tennessee
I was so much praying for a different outcome for you:hit. And I will pray for Amber. When I bought my first pygmy the owner said she was due in about 30 - 45 days. When that time came around she went into labor. She gave birth to a small doe that was having trouble breathing. And to tell you the truth I put her tiny muzzle in my mouth and tried to clear her airway:sick. I was totally not prepared and had nothing else to use. She died after 15 minutes. Then when I came back to check on mama doe, she was in the middle of labor again. She pushed out a little buck the was swollen to three times the size of the little doe and did not have any fur or eye slits. He had died sometime in gestation and poisoned his sister. Later I read that you should never move a doe any long distance in the last trimester. Again I will pray for you and Amber.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Horrible for you. I am so sorry. :hugs I agree DO NOT get another goat from that breeder. Even with Lutelyse the outcome would be uncertain and it would be very stressful for you. So awful for you having to go through this again with Amber.

We lost DS2's favorite home bred doe when she couldn't give birth to an oversize kid. We had lots of goats but she was everyone's favorite. Her name was Kiwi and she was a beautiful LaMancha. I tried for an hour to pull the kid but it was too big. She needed a C-section. I called every vet I could reach and none of them would do a C-section. Finally I loaded the goat and DS2 and 3 into the truck and drove to my friend's house 30 minutes away. We both tried to pull the kid. Finally, poor Kiwi was so torn up and suffering so badly DS2 told us put her down. He was only 12 but he made the decision not to let her suffer any more. We were all crying. I asked my friend to get her gun. We put Kiwi down and immediately cut her open to save the kid. He had been alive and nibbling my fingers 15 minutes earlier but when we opened her up a few minutes later he had died. It was a huge single buck kid. His leg bones were as big as the doe's. We never used that sire on first fresheners again. It is one reason why I hate singles. Twins are usually smaller and easier on the doe. Our hearts were broken. DS2 was devastated. It happened 20 years ago, and I have saved many, many does and kids since then, but I still feel so guilty for not saving Kiwi that I cry.