Help needed please...trying to save my eight month old doe, got her in august ,

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Horrible for you. I am so sorry. :hugs I agree DO NOT get another goat from that breeder. Even with Lutelyse the outcome would be uncertain and it would be very stressful for you. So awful for you having to go through this again with Amber.

We lost DS2's favorite home bred doe when she couldn't give birth to an oversize kid. We had lots of goats but she was everyone's favorite. Her name was Kiwi and she was a beautiful LaMancha. I tried for an hour to pull the kid but it was too big. She needed a C-section. I called every vet I could reach and none of them would do a C-section. Finally I loaded the goat and DS2 and 3 into the truck and drove to my friend's house 30 minutes away. We both tried to pull the kid. Finally, poor Kiwi was so torn up and suffering so badly DS2 told us put her down. He was only 12 but he made the decision not to let her suffer any more. We were all crying. I asked my friend to get her gun. We put Kiwi down and immediately cut her open to save the kid. He had been alive and nibbling my fingers 15 minutes earlier but when we opened her up a few minutes later he had died. It was a huge single buck kid. His leg bones were as big as the doe's. We never used that sire on first fresheners again. It is one reason why I hate singles. Twins are usually smaller and easier on the doe. Our hearts were broken. DS2 was devastated. It happened 20 years ago, and I have saved many, many does and kids since then, but I still feel so guilty for not saving Kiwi that I cry.
It's 3:20 am, got some rest, thank you for your kind response never forget a experience as we both have had. Animals depend on us for everything and in return we get love, poo and laughter and a bond like no other on earth. As far as amber, i now know the signs, and i won't let US go thru three days of torture, vet said bullet, oh lord give me the stregnth if thats the route ....considered doing c section if she goes full term but can't deliver... but what pandoras box will i open as i know lack of proper nutrition prior to my getting them was a major factor...perhaps i would just keep them all as one and lay them to forrage in greener pastures. Amber by the way has wattles, and beautiful blue eyes.... going back to bed, have a beautiful day today

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
I don’t believe in letting my animals suffer...may not be easy but it’s one of the kinder things that I can do for them. You’ll know if that’s what you are supposed to do. Trust your instincts.

Pray for multiples...they may stand a chance of being delivered...

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I don’t believe in letting my animals suffer...may not be easy but it’s one of the kinder things that I can do for them. You’ll know if that’s what you are supposed to do. Trust your instincts.

Pray for multiples...they may stand a chance of being delivered...
I am, i will pray big time, but will do what is needed...will stay intouch my goat buddy, lol


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
It is unfortunate things turned out as they did, and I've had it happen with heifer cattle far as losing the newborn..not the momma...or at least not in a lot of years.

The reality is, that even with everything planned and done 'perfectly' .........if we're going to raise them, we're going to lose some along the way. Mankind has been domesticating livestock for centuries, and birthing in the wild has gone on for longer than that and none of it is perfect yet...not even with us humans & births even with as much technology, medical advancements, and experience as we've had in it.

I suggest, you counsel with your vet and perhaps try to prepare for the next one to be at the vets when the time comes.......they can generally do more at their facility than they can 'in the field'.
Animal husbandry is always an ongoing/learning/improving prospect.

Unless you are very confident with the vet you were able to get to come out, try to network with other goat people in your area. You may find another vet even better..or closer.
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B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
It is unfortunate things turned out as they did, and I've had it happen with heifer cattle far as losing the newborn..not the momma...or at least not in a lot of years.

The reality is, that even with everything planned and done 'perfectly' .........if we're going to raise them, we're going to lose some along the way. Mankind has been domesticating livestock for centuries, and birthing in the wild has gone on for longer than that and none of it is perfect yet...not even with us humans & births even with as much technology, medical advancements, and experience as we've had in it.

I suggest, you counsel with your vet and perhaps try to prepare for the next one to be at the vets when the time comes.......they can generally do more at their facility than they can 'in the field'.
Animal husbandry is always an ongoing/learning/improving prospect.

Unless you are very confident with the vet you were able to get to come out, try to network with other goat people in your area. You may find another vet even better..or closer.
The issue with the two goats are simple...human stupidity , the breeder keeps all her goats together, the girls got pregnant first cycle, poor nutrition on a young goat along with being pregnant...just dumb...samantha paid the price for sure. The breeder has offered me a free doe, ...really ? ...i am 66 years old, have had to break a cows pelvis with a hammer and chisle back in 1978 to try to get a calf out (per advice of vet during snow storm and 72 hours of labor) ended up losing both cow and calf. I know exactly wher you are comming from, until yesterday, i have been able to save many animals on my own...samantha was so toxic, and brain fried...such a pathetic shame. The only good thing i can say is, she had never never allowed anyone near her till she got here in august, she was fed well here, loved and began to trust me, the last five days of her life she and i became one... the vet that came was excellent, i will continue to use him if needed, wonderful young man...he did check amber (pregnant sister) and has given me instructions....the point of all of my rambling on here is, if amber follows her sisters path, i will put her down before i will let it go as far as it did with her sister... lesson can't fix what is already gone...i have taken care of 51 end of life patients, two of which were my own problem. But a situation like samatha and amber just is human stupidity. If she was a wild animal she probably would of done better, we humans interfere with nature and think we should change probably don't need to hear exactly what i told breeder about her offer of free doe, but i can assure you she is moving her buck away from the young doe's, lol...i was very frank with her and graphic images will stay in her brain of the last hour of samanths me...thank you for caring and sharing, GOD BLESS TEXAS, lol

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I'm trying to stay up to date with everyone, lol, she is fine and out with other goats , i am following vets instructions, getting prepared for hurricane michael, just got vidio and audio monitor for goat house, so i have eyes on her , back is out, brain is stress here lol, ...


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
North central Florida is a huge area. Hope you're not in the direct path of Michael. Also hope you're not located in a low lying area or right by the coast.