YOYO = You're on your own here too. A term I learned from Donrae over at BYC. I had the last of the beef paprikas and made a small pizza for the Princess.
It was a couple tablespoons olive oil, a tablespoon of chopped rosemary, a teaspoon of oregano, half a teaspoon garlic powder, half teaspoon black pepper, teaspoon of salt, mix together and toss the sliced rutabaga in the mix to coat. Arrange on a cookie sheet, back at 450 for 20-25 minutes. They were good, and that was using a rutabaga bought from the store. Now I have to get seeds and plant my own.
I have peeled parsnips and sliced 'em, broiled with olive oil drizzled or pan fried, sprinkled a little salt and sugar, and pretty good. Figured rutabaga fries are similar.
They'r not common in my neck of the woods.
The rutabaga I bought was waxed. No telling how long it had been in storage. Fresh probably has a lot better taste. But if someone had a root cellar, waxing could make them last a lot longer.
My mother bought canned rutabaga and dumped in a pot. My Daddy loved them, that is my only experience with rutabaga. Haven't had it since a child. Rutabaga memories were of gross yuck. Got a new cookbook and saw this recipe, decided to try it. Rutabaga will be planted in spring garden!