Alan G
Chillin' with the herd
My wonderful wife recently retired from the Army and I have about 35 days left at this point so we are putting roots down around Rogersville, Al on a small farm (almost 9 acres). At this point our experience is limited to chickens as we have had to move every couple of years but are excited about expanding our experiences into a couple of cows and a couple of goats. Lot to learn and things to do before we add animals though. First thing is fixing the pond, as it completely dry I have not been able to figure out if it is an isolated leak (as I am still in MO) or if the ground is simply too porous for a pond. Either way I have found sodium bentonite to be the preferred method to fix a pond. Once I get that taken care of and some water in the pond we will start adding a few animals spring of 15. In the mean time I will be building a new poultry coop for chickens, turkey, and eventually rabbits we are looking at just for our own needs and not going into business however we might sell off annual surpluses. One of our first stops this winter will be the Ag Coop extenstion to see what else we are supposed to be doing and when they offer classes and so forth.