Thanks, everyone... they have definitely stolen our hearts!
We set out on this mission *knowing* we would sell any babies to pay for the others' keep... Obviously way more conceptually easy before you see them!
They are adorable, adorable, adorable! The buck is way more laid back than the doe, but they weigh in between 3.5-4 pounds each. I just snuck out there to "tuck" them in and they were up and nursing and Lulu is being awesome, so that's great!
The dog, however, feels it is well within her rights to sit vigil outside the kidding pen. I beg to differ; I win. Poor doggie just wants to mother the new babies, but I don't know her well enough to know what her interaction with them will be, so for now, she must be patient. She has sniffed them to death, no licking... we'll see!
I haven't bothered to check teats yet, and my oldest daughter was going on and on about the doe's blue eyes... huh? Come to find out... they're BLUE! LOL I think I get negative goat mommy points for that one... It was my first kidding and I was barely dressed.... I think I did good just getting there!
Just cracked an adult bevvie and now it's time to toast the new arrivals! On the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!