Herd Master
Most sheep are genetically polled. The breeds with horns are normally kept with them, as they are a part of the breed, and usually what separates them from another breed (ie the Dorset and the Dorset Horn).
I don't know of anyone or any breed that is disbudded/dehorned. All the popular breeds that are shown...Suffolk, Hamp, Southdown, Montadale, Cheviot, Dorper, Dorset, etc, are all naturally polled. Occasionally you will have scurs pop up (I had scurs on my 1/2 Texel ram lamb, but they fell off by themselves with no bleeding when he was 4-5 months old) but that's as much horn as they get.
I did not know that.
We watched some kids showing lambs at this years NC Mountain State Fair, had never seen it before. I thought it was interesting how they "lead" them without collars. Went back next door to the goat barn and was telling my wife and daughter "hey did you know they don't lead the lambs with collars"? Wife said, "well how do they do it". So, I put one hand under my daughters chin, and the other on the back of her head and started leading her around.
She was not amused.