Hi all, I just joined but I've been on backyard chickens for a while. We raise gaited mules with my MFT mares and Mammoth Jack, MFT Ponies and smaller Appaloosa ponies.
I love em all and love to talk about them, what do you all have?
and from Ontario Canada......okay its to early in the morning for me and my 2nd cup of Java has yet to kick my brain into workin'......what does MFT stand for ...thanks
I have never seen a gaited mule ...interesting ....learn something new every day ...
I would love to see a photo of your Mammoth Jack! When I trained to become a farrier (years ago) I got to trim a Mammoth Jack's hoves...they were as big as cinder blocks!!! I fell in love with that big guy too, his name was "Moose".
You can see my jack on our web site. He's not the giant type mammoth though, he's Czeschin bred and has about 100 years of breeding type for a smooth saddle mule. They are in the 14 to 14.2 hand range and ample bone but not drafty.
Here's my web site http://cathill2.tripod.com/mulefarm/
Lucky you...I SO want a gaited mule! I've toyed with breeding my SSH mare (who is 13.3hh) to a jack for a gaited mule...but really don't have the time for a foal (especially a mule foal!) at this time. So...someday I'll have my gaited pony mule!
In addition to my midget of a SSH, I also have a rotund little haffy mare who is even shorter
We were just passing through Virginia yesterday. We live in SW Missouri but our son is in the Navy and was in Norfolk but now lives on the Patuxent River base. We have sold our MFT mules all over and two of them went to some folks in Roanoke, VA. They just took the younger mule (age4) through the Brad Cameron Mulemanship clinic (held in NC at that time) this summer.
His name is Nick Nichols. He's done clinics all over the east coast, and I think some further west, but I don't know how far west he's gone. He's getting older now and has problems with his back so does not do as much as he used to in past years.