Not to prevent freezing SmallFarmGirl. I put Apple Cider Vinegar in their water to help with the urine odor which improved immensely.SmallFarmGirl said:I think Ms.Research put something in her water to prevent freezing. I don't know much but I hope you can find a way to keep it from freezing !
This is what I have been doing, I'm going to look into warmed bottles like another member suggested. I don't mind going out there so often, but it would be nice not to worry.lastfling said:The only solution I've found is to visit the rabbits twice a day. Once in the AM before leaving for work and again in the evening. In the morning, it's basically all about checking the water. The bottles freeze up when temps are low, and I put bowls in with the rabbits. I bring warm water from the house fill the bowls and let them drink, topping off as necessary. My theory is, is that the warm water will last a little while before freezing up again and give the rabbits a chance to slake their thirst. The process is repeated in the evenings. I raise Tan's and they at first thought - oh boy another toy, slinging bowls and water all over. It didn't take long for them to learn that if they did that, they were going without until the next fill up. I also believe the rabbits learn that if they don't drink their fill when non-frozen water is available, it's going to be a while before they get another drink. I've also noticed that, they will lick the frozen water, so they're not going completely without between refills. I wish there was an antifreeze, although I think the ACV may help a little in that regard, although, it may just be my imagination.
ME TOO kla37!!! I can't stand it lol When is it supposed to come back up? I love this site too though, just got a few more buns so I have tons of questions The temp is supposed to drop into the teens this Thurs and snow is a-comin'... I tried just about everything but additives but it's so cold that even in the garage the bottles freeze. The buns have plenty of hay and little houses to hide in to keep warm so no worries there, even though it still worries me.kla37 said:I don't know how helpful this is, but the freezing point of vinegar with 5% acid is 28 degress F, and the freezing point of water is 32 F. The freezing point of the water can be lowered by corrupting it with additives that have a lower freezing point. Now I will have to experiment with this tomorrow because wondering is making me crazy.
(I am one of the crazy BYCers hanging out here while our site is being converted.)