If you sell your rabbits, where do you advertise them?


Chillin' with the herd
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
sawfish99 said:
CL doesn't work for us, because even though we are selling meat rabbits (livestock), ads get flagged within a few hours. Other breeders around us have the same problem.

I have an ad on the town "bulliten board" which is electronic and post ads at the feed stores.
I advertise in the pets section and the farm and garden section. In the pets section, I talk about how they (my pet quality rabbits) would make great pets, they're cute, they're friendly, etc. Nothing about meat, showing, or breeding.

In the farm section, I say they make great brood and show stock. Nothing about pets. AT ALL. And I say at the bottom, as a disclaimer, that rabbits are a livestock/agricultural animal and have a right to be advertised in the farm and garden section.


Chillin' with the herd
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
terri9630 said:
pennylove said:
redtailgal said:
Why do they get flagged? I've heard others complaining of the same problem, but I dont understand.
Craigslist has a "no breeding or selling" policy for their Pets board and the rescue set (I'm involved with Border Collie rescue, but I'm talking about fanatic rescuers, here) like to squat on Craigslist flagging ads they suspect are from backyard breeders and resellers. They do it because they think it will keep unsavory sellers from posting there and that more animals will then be adopted from rescues and rehomed right from Craigslist. I'm not at all sure it works that way. For one thing, it's easy to lie and easy to keep reposting the ad and anyone who wants to use Craigslist as a means for advertising knows how to do so. For another, despite rescuers' best efforts, there is a lot of interest in that type of ads--people want puppies and kittens, cheap if possible, they don't ask a lot of questions and most people don't really care if the dog is from an licensed, DOA inspected dog breeder with AKC championship bloodlines or someone's pet raised on the kitchen floor.

Some Craigslist cities are worse than others. Chicago, for example, is full of flaggers--even legitimate pet-being-rehomed ads often get flagged unless the wording is "just right" and no one will tell anyone getting flagged why their ad was taken down. Peoria, in central Illinois, is the exact opposite. Hardly anyone gets flagged there and whenever I've been browsing, I've seen ads for 8-week old pit bull puppies, teacup chihuahuas, etc., that have been posted for days and those are just the kind of ads that would get flagged down in seconds on Chicago's Craigslist. To me, it's a very strange person that spends their time browsing Craigslist in the interest of combating backyard breeders--I wonder if they fancy themselves armchair warriors?

I am, however, surprised to here that the ads are getting flagged in the Agriculture section. By Craigslists' rules, you are allowed to post livestock animals in that area for sale or trade and it doesn't matter if you're breeding. Certainly no one objects to calves and fillies/colts being posted there, so it's odd that rabbits would garner any other treatment!
Its because some people consider chickens and rabbits as pets and are horrified at the thought that they might end up on a plate. You should see some of the people at our fair when they ask the kids what they do with the animals after the fair is over. :rolleyes:
My boss did the same thing when I told him that I was raising ducks to sell for meat. :D


Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
ibreedlionheads said:
sawfish99 said:
CL doesn't work for us, because even though we are selling meat rabbits (livestock), ads get flagged within a few hours. Other breeders around us have the same problem.

I have an ad on the town "bulliten board" which is electronic and post ads at the feed stores.
I advertise in the pets section and the farm and garden section. In the pets section, I talk about how they (my pet quality rabbits) would make great pets, they're cute, they're friendly, etc. Nothing about meat, showing, or breeding.

In the farm section, I say they make great brood and show stock. Nothing about pets. AT ALL. And I say at the bottom, as a disclaimer, that rabbits are a livestock/agricultural animal and have a right to be advertised in the farm and garden section.

I do the same, all above as you stated and they STILL get flagged.


Chillin' with the herd
Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Rural Illinois
WhiteMountainsRanch said:
ibreedlionheads said:
sawfish99 said:
CL doesn't work for us, because even though we are selling meat rabbits (livestock), ads get flagged within a few hours. Other breeders around us have the same problem.

I have an ad on the town "bulliten board" which is electronic and post ads at the feed stores.
I advertise in the pets section and the farm and garden section. In the pets section, I talk about how they (my pet quality rabbits) would make great pets, they're cute, they're friendly, etc. Nothing about meat, showing, or breeding.

In the farm section, I say they make great brood and show stock. Nothing about pets. AT ALL. And I say at the bottom, as a disclaimer, that rabbits are a livestock/agricultural animal and have a right to be advertised in the farm and garden section.

I do the same, all above as you stated and they STILL get flagged.
You must live in the wrong area, sadly: ( It's like what I said in an earlier post . . . . Chicago, ads get flagged down constantly (and not just for rabbits); Peoria, IL, no one seems to care. I hate dealing with that simply because our local Craigslist gets zero traffic, so we have to look at distant cities and there you have to put up with the constant flagging.

I know what a pain it is, too. I remember trying to adopt out a litter of Aussie/Border Collie mixes we'd taken in as rescues. Even though they were spayed, vaccinated, dewormed, etc. and mixed breed, the ad was flagged several times each day. So frustrating.


Overrun with beasties
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
Southern New Mexico
ibreedlionheads said:
terri9630 said:
pennylove said:
Craigslist has a "no breeding or selling" policy for their Pets board and the rescue set (I'm involved with Border Collie rescue, but I'm talking about fanatic rescuers, here) like to squat on Craigslist flagging ads they suspect are from backyard breeders and resellers. They do it because they think it will keep unsavory sellers from posting there and that more animals will then be adopted from rescues and rehomed right from Craigslist. I'm not at all sure it works that way. For one thing, it's easy to lie and easy to keep reposting the ad and anyone who wants to use Craigslist as a means for advertising knows how to do so. For another, despite rescuers' best efforts, there is a lot of interest in that type of ads--people want puppies and kittens, cheap if possible, they don't ask a lot of questions and most people don't really care if the dog is from an licensed, DOA inspected dog breeder with AKC championship bloodlines or someone's pet raised on the kitchen floor.

Some Craigslist cities are worse than others. Chicago, for example, is full of flaggers--even legitimate pet-being-rehomed ads often get flagged unless the wording is "just right" and no one will tell anyone getting flagged why their ad was taken down. Peoria, in central Illinois, is the exact opposite. Hardly anyone gets flagged there and whenever I've been browsing, I've seen ads for 8-week old pit bull puppies, teacup chihuahuas, etc., that have been posted for days and those are just the kind of ads that would get flagged down in seconds on Chicago's Craigslist. To me, it's a very strange person that spends their time browsing Craigslist in the interest of combating backyard breeders--I wonder if they fancy themselves armchair warriors?

I am, however, surprised to here that the ads are getting flagged in the Agriculture section. By Craigslists' rules, you are allowed to post livestock animals in that area for sale or trade and it doesn't matter if you're breeding. Certainly no one objects to calves and fillies/colts being posted there, so it's odd that rabbits would garner any other treatment!
Its because some people consider chickens and rabbits as pets and are horrified at the thought that they might end up on a plate. You should see some of the people at our fair when they ask the kids what they do with the animals after the fair is over. :rolleyes:
My boss did the same thing when I told him that I was raising ducks to sell for meat. :D
A few years ago a lady was crying hysterically and security asked her what was wrong. She told him, and I quote, "these kids have all been taught to be murderers! They are going to kill their 'pets' after the fair and eat them!" I was laughing so hard I almost ended up in the hospital from my asthma. I couldn't help it. Honestly, what does she thinks is going to happen to pigs, cows and chickens?


Chillin' with the herd
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
United States
terri9630 said:
ibreedlionheads said:
terri9630 said:
Its because some people consider chickens and rabbits as pets and are horrified at the thought that they might end up on a plate. You should see some of the people at our fair when they ask the kids what they do with the animals after the fair is over. :rolleyes:
My boss did the same thing when I told him that I was raising ducks to sell for meat. :D
A few years ago a lady was crying hysterically and security asked her what was wrong. She told him, and I quote, "these kids have all been taught to be murderers! They are going to kill their 'pets' after the fair and eat them!" I was laughing so hard I almost ended up in the hospital from my asthma. I couldn't help it. Honestly, what does she thinks is going to happen to pigs, cows and chickens?
Oh my gosh! I would be laughing SO hard too!


Overrun with beasties
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
Southern New Mexico
Nikki said:
terri9630 said:
ibreedlionheads said:
My boss did the same thing when I told him that I was raising ducks to sell for meat. :D
A few years ago a lady was crying hysterically and security asked her what was wrong. She told him, and I quote, "these kids have all been taught to be murderers! They are going to kill their 'pets' after the fair and eat them!" I was laughing so hard I almost ended up in the hospital from my asthma. I couldn't help it. Honestly, what does she thinks is going to happen to pigs, cows and chickens?
Oh my gosh! I would be laughing SO hard too!
Since then I told my kids to just tell the city people that they are going out to the country to live on a nice farm. They haven't caught on yet and the kids think its funny.


Loving the herd life
Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
Knox County Ohio
The fair stories are funny. To bring this a little back on topic, have any of you tried local animal auctions? I've had really good luck at a bi-monthly auction in danville (30 minutes from me). In fact I may switch to Flemish Giants and Checkered Giants, as they are bringing $35-45 at 1 year of age for meat!

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