Likes frogs
Why didn't I listen to myself when I told myself to sell that heifer?
Hard pull, prolapse, would not, could not, get up, dead in the time it took me to figure out what to do next!
Now I have weak orphan heifer!
No colostrum!
No milk replacer!
(sent the nephew off to find what I need)
No place to put it (right now she is in the dogs house)
I haven't even fed yet, don't really feel like it!
I do have lots of vodka, but I'm guessing that won't fix anything?
Hard pull, prolapse, would not, could not, get up, dead in the time it took me to figure out what to do next!
Now I have weak orphan heifer!
No colostrum!
No milk replacer!
(sent the nephew off to find what I need)
No place to put it (right now she is in the dogs house)
I haven't even fed yet, don't really feel like it!
I do have lots of vodka, but I'm guessing that won't fix anything?