Herd Master
All those sheep and goats are edible - no need to buy any special breeds wince you already have plenty of breedable animals. Have fun learning with the ones you have got and you can decide if you want to change breeds or species later.I thought we wanted to start adding meat goats, but ended up with 9 shetland and shetland/finn cross sheep, including a ram and his companion wether, and 4 Cheviot ewes. We also ended up with an ND buck and his companion wether, and three more ND does, one of which is in milk. Of the rescue goats the ND doe has been bred, and we are really hoping the buck and the rescue LaMancha will get their logistics figured out, lol!
Bite your tongue, Girl!!! You are in your PRIME! Like the rest of us. Prime is better than Youth - we have wisdom and know the benefit of working smart instead of just hard. We do work hard, but do it in a smart way.I am 52 and DH is 60 and we do not have the advantage of youth.