Jumping the Moon Dairy - the next chapter


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
babsbag said:
I don't want to be here after the nuke anyways.

I have always felt that way. I had a home years ago just outside Memphis that had a full blown bomb shelter built in the 50's and still had all of the 40 year old supplies inside.

I suppose I'm a bit different. I don't care much for 'easy' or the mundane that our lives usually are. I've always felt adversity should be embraced as well as success and even tho there would be horrendous trouble about, and the alpha and beta would probably eventually get me, just knowing I survived the gamma would be exhilarating. Death, will come to each of us no matter what, but I have no desire to see it take me easily or one moment quicker than it does the last person standing.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
When we lived in Florida we were 65miles...as the crow flies from Cape Canaveral....I told Joyce that if we were ever bombed we'd be 10,000 degrees in a matter of seconds so we didn't have to worry about fallout....:)
Ever since I was a kid I have faced death at the door on several occassions and I ain't scared of fearful of it. It is my belief that when the timer dings it don't matter what ya do, or what another may try to do...it is done. Contrary to popular beliefs there is never a life that is "Saved" only intended intervention. Ya can shorten it by suicide, but nobody can extend or change what is already planned.
Talking about those Dick, Jane, and Spot books....back when I was in my mid 20s and drinking...my 1st wife and I were playing cards with her sister and her friend, when somehow one of those books was found and we began to read thru it....we began to laugh and roll on the floor and wondered just how the teacher could keep such a straight face while it was being read aloud in class....of course there is a big difference when ya are 5,6, and 7 and in your 20s in the way ya see the world.....:)


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I had a friend that was afraid to fly and we lived near an Air Force base. We had a lot of very low flying c-5s going over our houses at all hours. I used to teasingly tell her that if it was her time it didn't matter if she was on the plane or under the plane...if it was her time, it was her time.

That being the case, I just don't want to be around to see the destruction and total annihilation of all things I care about. I'm not afraid to go so take me with it.

I am still the highest bidder on the book.

Are they any IP POE cameras and POE for non IP camera pros out there? I'm stumped.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
That being the case, I just don't want to be around to see the destruction and total annihilation of all things I care about. I'm not afraid to go so take me with it.

All the things we care about, will one day crumble to dust and be replaced by other things that others have built. So it is and always has been in all civilizations. I don't at all agree with or live by the "He who dies with the most toys...wins" adage. The place I'm on now will one day (and it won't be too many years) be covered in residential buildings, even tho it is flood prone. My death will not prevent it and whether I see it happen or not is irrelevant..it's still going to happen. This very place may one day be swept away in an even worse flood and I'm cognizant of it and if it's to happen, I'd want to be here to witness such an event.

But, the truth is, the things we imagine are almost always much worse than the realities. I'm reminded of a couple of lines from some 'b' grade movies I have on dvd.
"How many of you are still working here?"
Just the 3 of us now since the attacks began.
"Why did you stay..aren't you scared?"
Sure I'm scared but I'm also fascinated...[shrug]..fascinated always wins.

"You never told us what you saw Juan"
I saw nothing, but the nothing I saw was worse than anything I have ever seen.

For almost all of us, everything we have done and worked for will be gone, as will we every one, and the world will little care nor long remember we were ever even here...so...why should we?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I don't want to be here after the nuke anyways.
Good point. Not sure how much danger we are in here. The SAC base over in Plattsburgh was shut down in 1995. We do have a National Air Guard base at the Burlington Airport (which is in South Burlington) though, they are scheduled to get the F-35's ... if they ever get built. Don't know that the DPRK would waste anything on that though, there are more "interesting" targets.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Good point. Not sure how much danger we are in here. The SAC base over in Plattsburgh was shut down in 1995. We do have a National Air Guard base at the Burlington Airport (which is in South Burlington) though, they are scheduled to get the F-35's ... if they ever get built. Don't know that the DPRK would waste anything on that though, there are more "interesting" targets.
The F-35As are being built and the USAF has at least 2 operating squadrons. One is a training squadron, the other 34th fighter in Utah is a combat ready squadron that has already deployed with their aircraft to Japan.

USMC has at least one squadron of combat operational F-35B in Iwakuni Japan ..VMFA121. Been there for nearly a year now I think.

Israel has one operational squadron of what they designate a F-35I and they seem pretty pleased with them.

Air Nat Guard units will be a while down the pipeline, probably after some of the foreign sales are complete and the rest of the USAF/USN/ and USMC squadrons are up to complement.

I have serious doubts that NK could put an icmb on target anywhere in WestPac, much less all the way across the Pacific to Vt.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I hope you are right.

The first doe I saw bred will be at day 150 on 2/4, she is a mini Alpine, so the doe game is beginning. To be quite honest I expected a few other does to go before her. I still have my mystery 7 out there and a few more that I thought were going be due the end of April that are as big as a house. I am suspecting that I had a few does this year that had signs that they were in heat when they were already bred. I have written in my notes that they were in heat, exposed to a buck, and I never saw the deed. Well someone did "the deed" before I thought are they are carrying an army. No way are they going another 3 months.

The cameras are not ready yet. I have cable on order, should be here soon and also some Power over Ethernet adapters for two cameras are on order. As soon as those get here I can finish this. I have 4 of the 6 cameras mounted and the cables made and run. Almost there.

Another inspection on Wed. Should be the last one for awhile. The lab should be approved that day as well as the processing plant. I am redoing the floor in the milking barn this week or next, waiting on epoxy to get here. I hate redoing things but sometimes you learn by mistakes...at least I do. I have some touch ups to do in the milk house too. Epoxy is great, until it isn't.

Alondra is supposed to be bred and until yesterday I would have said that she is not. I have changed my mind as she is developing her mammary glands. Pups are due March 2. And until just a few minutes ago I would have said that pups are due Feb 16...oops. I know it is 63 days, which I also know is 9 weeks. But for some reason my brain was thinking 7 weeks...9 x 7 = 63 and I was fixated on the 7. Good, this makes me feel better that she has another month to grow some pups and not 2 weeks. Bad as the kidding stalls are going to be very busy in March. Oh well, nothing like a cozy barn to keep everyone warm.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Calling all grammar pros. Which is correct? To "D" or not to "D"....that is the question. :D

The kids are hand raised so they are easier to handle and a welcome addition to the herd.

The kids are hand raised so they are easier to handle and a welcomed addition to the herd.