Jumping the Moon Dairy - the next chapter


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Yes, very odd that they don't cover it. After all they would cover exposure to asbestos. What is the treatment for mold toxicity exposure? If you have prescription coverage, any prescriptions should be covered at least. Are you old enough for Medicare?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
My doctor is ZERO help, Kaiser doesn't treat patients for mold, so there goes the insurance. I will be sure and check out all the information that @mendofarm posted, thank you for sharing

find a doctor who does! Maybe the doctor who treated the friend has a referral for one in your area. It should be covered as any other allergy or disease. Yes.


Ridin' The Range
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
West Puget Sound, WA
I agree with Mini Horses! Call Dr. Hope and ask for a referral near you. Or she may be able to direct you to a registry of doctors with this specialty. If not, it may be worth that hard 8 hour drive to see her. Always ask if this new doctor takes insurance and/or Medicare. If so, explain the Kaiser issue and ask if they are willing to accept standard insurance rates or "Medicare Assignment" rates ( meaning they bill only at the accepted Medicare rate. This has saved me hundreds of $$.
Start a spiral notebook journal with dates and who you talked to,who you have been seen by, etc. Also when you sold your business and goats and why and the lost income after that. After you get a diagnosis and start a treatment path, IF you have ever worked for wages in CA, apply for State Disability. You have paid into that insurance program as an employee so they should cover income lost after 10 months. Not sure on this since you were independent the last few years. If not, apply for Medicare Disability if you are unable to work for a while. They will want all doctors info, dates of treatment, doctors orders to not work at this time, etc. Can do this online. PM me if you get to this point as there are some critical must-knows.
Sorry for addressing possible money issues but I know personally the stress of being ill on top of the stress of money coming in and going out (esp. with your being denied insurance).
Still want to get that list of treatment recommendations from my friend for you. However she is skiing this weekend and I go in for surgery Tuesday so may be absent for a while. Keep the faith, Babs, you will get through this.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I am not old enough for Medicare and Kaiser fills prescriptions too, no out of network coverage available. There are some prescriptions you can get to help with detoxing but there are also OTC supplements like activated charcoal and bentonite clay. The idea is to bind the toxins that are in my blood and gut and then expel them. Saunas are recommended but I don't have a spa membership and not willing to buy one for this. Also if I detox too fast then my symptoms get worse. My husband installed the HVAC UV filter this last weekend so hoping that will help clean the house.

mendofarm, that is a good idea to call and ask if they know of anyone closer to me. I am not supposed to drive so I stay off of freeways and my husband has a new job and no leave, plus it is next to impossible to leave the farm. It makes travel tough. The notebook is a good idea but I don't know if I would ever qualify for disability as it has been years since I worked for a wage. Good luck with your surgery, I hope it goes well.


Just born
Feb 25, 2020
Reaction score
North Mississippi
How I stumbled across this thread I am not entirely sure (I was reading up on goat dairies, but not sure how I ended up here, LOL). I've spent the last week reading through this entire journal and it's been like a cliff-hanger-ending book series with every page! I even made an account just to let you know, Babs, that I'm utterly in awe of you. I know for a fact you out work me every day - even under the influence of mold - and I'll be 25 in a week. I'm heartbroken for the loss of your dairy, but I fully believe that you will find a niche to fill it once you have regained your strength. You go, girl!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
How I stumbled across this thread I am not entirely sure (I was reading up on goat dairies, but not sure how I ended up here, LOL). I've spent the last week reading through this entire journal and it's been like a cliff-hanger-ending book series with every page! I even made an account just to let you know, Babs, that I'm utterly in awe of you. I know for a fact you out work me every day - even under the influence of mold - and I'll be 25 in a week. I'm heartbroken for the loss of your dairy, but I fully believe that you will find a niche to fill it once you have regained your strength. You go, girl!

Welcome to the forum. It is a real nice and thoughtful thing to do, to join the forum just to tell Babs that you admire her. :thumbsup