Southern by choice
Herd Master
The Nigerian and the Saanen are dairy breeds, not meat.
Please do not breed a female Nigerian to any buck that is a larger breed. You are looking at birthing complications as well as possible death.
Nigerians kids weigh between 2-4 lbs. The standard breeds are generally anywhere from 7lbs on the lower end to 11lbs on the high end. Too much for a Nigerian Dwarf.
The pygmy goat is a meat breed and maybe more suitable if you are looking for a meat goat that is smaller in size. Many will use the pygmy buck over a larger doe.
Please do not breed a female Nigerian to any buck that is a larger breed. You are looking at birthing complications as well as possible death.
Nigerians kids weigh between 2-4 lbs. The standard breeds are generally anywhere from 7lbs on the lower end to 11lbs on the high end. Too much for a Nigerian Dwarf.
The pygmy goat is a meat breed and maybe more suitable if you are looking for a meat goat that is smaller in size. Many will use the pygmy buck over a larger doe.