Oh so sad, I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose a beloved animal that you were so close to. It's hard to talk about it, too, without crying. In time the pain will go away and you will have your happy memories of Goatie, especially when you have her kids to raise for her.
Sorry no pictures yet. It's been raining for like a week with more coming. I have some pictures I took a while back but its hard to get them uploaded when my only internet is at my parents or work. (Oh the joys of living in the county with no internet service.)
Still missing Goatie. I'm loving Tippy & Cinderella though. Cinderella is fat, sweet, and snuggly. Tippy is a wild child. Just like Goatie. He figured out how to get out of the fence already. Just like Goatie. So now everyday when I come feed them I have to throw him over the fence and run when I leave and hope I can make it to the car before he escapes and follows me.
He's only a few weeks old, and within a few minutes I had already taught him the basis of how to shake.
My fence STILL isn't done. We've been slowly working on that thing for around a year now. How sad. But it is getting close. We got the last of the wooden posts in yesterday. We have to put 3 more braces across, hang 2 more gates, and level all the t-posts. Then we are hiring someone to come and stretch and hang the fence for us.
My horse is going to have to be boarded for another month. The one month idea already turned into 2 months and now its 3. But I'm going on vacation this month, so I think I'd be better just to leave him there instead of paying someone to come feed him while I'm gone.
My pasture is so tall already. All this rain has really made the growing crazy. It's over a foot and a half tall in some places. Nice grass too. The neighbor is going to bale it for me, if it ever stops rainging long enough.
It's finals weeks, and I'm trying to finish a website design job I got. Work has also been super busy. I'll be glad when summer gets here so I hopefully have a little more time to spend on our house.
Ellie's kid Cloud. Who is think is a keeper to replace his daddy. He is a rotton thing though, always head butting, and climbing.
Meg's girl who still doesn't have a name.
The buckling I traded for Tippy. He is SO heavy and wide. Pictures can't show, but he is a tank. His new owners named him Bo Jangles.
Sorry no pictures of Tinkerbelles kids, or Tulips girl.
Tansy and Angeliese are due next. Tansy has been letting babies nurse off her though! She is so crazy. We've never seen that before. He udder is completely flat. Hopefully it will come back before she kids. We might have to seperate her.