KinderKorner's ** Kid Pictures


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
House is coming along.

Sadly I haven't snapped one picture of the entire process. :/

I had planned on writing about the whole thing and posting pictures, but it's just too crazy busy around here.

Anyway. Demolition is complete. :fl I think.

No more icky insulation, and plaster! :weee I can breathe again!

Livingroom and bedroom is wired, but not connected yet.

The new roof is half on.

The bathroom is in ruins right now, and is currently getting a new subfloor, and the pipes fixed.

The fence posts are half in.

As you can tell everything is half started. :th

Hopefully roof will be done this week.

Next on the list, is building a header, leveling the walls, insulating, wiring, windows, drywalling.

Our budget is gone, and panic is starting to set in. :barnie

Prayers needed that we can come up with the money to at least get some walls up and the water and electric running again.

My 2nd wedding shower is tomorrow, and I haven't even got anything planned except for food.

The time is flying by, and stress and craziness is at a high.

Whew. I'll try to keep some updates going.

On a good note, I think I have 3 wethers sold so that will take some of the extra animals load off.

I'm excited, and worried all at the same time.


The BLUE roof I choose is absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad I didn't let anyone talk me out of it, even when the store workers thought I was crazy. Everyone thinks it looks great. I'll try to get some pictures.


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
The major update that has been going on this week is roof!!!!!



We hired out the tall scary part.

Father, Fiance, and Father in Law have been working on the rest.

Of course it hasn't rained in months, and we get the roof off and it rained for several days. :rolleyes:

It's the most beautiful blue color. Infact I wish it was more blue! It is bluer than the pictures show, but still not bright enough for me. :lol:


Here you can see the color a little better. This is where they got before they had to stop. One little bare patch... Of course it leaked into the bathroom, which was one of the 2 ceiling we are going to save. gr. Hopefully there isn't damage except for some stains we can paint over.

We still have to finish over the bathroom, the front porch, and the ugly tar area over the back porch.


Here you can kind of see the difference of the new roof and the old front porch roof.

When people are trying to find our house we now tell them it's the dumpy looking farmhouse with the crap outside and the new roof. :gig


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
When I was a kid I loved these books called "I Spy"

It was a really busy page, and then you had a list of stuff to try to find in all the junk.

So I decided to make my own little I Spy....





Here is a a partial list of crap you can currently spot in our large but completely full shed....

150 Bales of hay
1 Toilet
3 Sinks & 2 Vanities
75 Rolls of Insulation
1 Dining Room Table
6 Dining Chairs
1 Computer Chair
1 Fish Tank
30 T-Posts
10 Wooden Posts
4 Bags of Quick Crete
1 Post Hole Digger
1 Weed Eater
2 Lawn Mowers
1 Shower
4 Rolls of Wiring
4 Folding Chairs
4 Tires
1 Dryer
3 Tarps
1 Bed
1 Goat

and a lot more stuff. :th

To help you out I even labeled some stuff to get you started.



Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
:lol: :yuckyuck :lol:

The roof looks great, and such a cool house! Good luck on your endeavor. You'll get there and then what an accomplishment it will be. :thumbsup


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
Saturday was my bridesmaid who is getting married in two weeks bachlorette party. Then Sunday I got up at 5 and worked until 12, hurried to a trail ride which I was on until 5.30 then ran back to work from 6-8. I'm pooped, and haven't been at the house all weekend.

Just you let you know, riding horses for 5 hours after not riding for over 3 months is a really bad idea. I'm going to be walking funny for a week. :plbb Poor old Toby had fun, and seemed better off than me surprisingly. But he was a little stinker as usual. It will probably be his last trail ride, and I'm a little sad that my boy is getting up in years. :hit

I took some pictures of the inside of the house, but they are so dark, dirty, and ugly that I am embarassed to put them up.

The inside of the house looks just like the shed right now. :barnie

I'll be so glad when stuff stops getting moved around, and everything has it's place and the house and shed are clean again.

Father in Law got the open roof covered.

His brother from IN drove all the way up here to help work on the house. Bless his heart. :love

They are there now with Fiance fixing the plumbing, running all the electric, and working on other stuff. I'm excited and kind of scared to see what they've been up to when I get there this evening. They do the work, and just hand me the bill for all the supplies and materials. And I'm thankful, but I'm also broke. So I'm always scared when Father In Law buys things, because he seems to think money is unlimited.

Me and Dad started insulating the bedroom on saturday morning. We decided to try out some spray foam for some large cracks. We used it and it seemed to work okay, but we both got it all over us. No problem right? We went to wash it off, and no ammount of scrubbing was going to remove it. I read the back, and it only comes off with fingernail polish remover.


We have none of that, we just ran out.

I tried everything I could think of, gas, paint thinner, alcohol. Nothing worked.

Our hands were super sticky, and by then they were covered with fiberglass and dirt.

I scrubbed so much my hands were sore.

So alas I had to go to the party with BLACK crunchy nasty hands.

I've been picking it off slowly, but my hands still look dirty. Poor dad is still pretty covered.

It was sort of funny. But still annoying. I'm just glad it didn't eat off our hands.

Lesson learned!

Don't get chemicals and stuff on your hands without reading the "Clean Up" warning first!


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
Holy cow I've been gone for a while. 6 months!

Boy has the time flown.

I've gotten married, and moved into our house.

It is still very much a work in progress.

We got a couple small pieces of drywall to put up in the living room and dining room and that will be all finished. Still need mud and tape on some of it.

The bedroom is all done except trim.

The kitchen needs a very small amount painted, and the new tile floor needs put in.

The bathroom needs a couple pieces of trim, and the tile floor put in.

The front porch didn't get roofed before bad weather hit. So that needs finished.

We are for sure getting there!

The fence is going along slowly, but we are on the home stretch. The horse pen posts are all in, the goat's is just a little behind. Need to build my horse a shelter ASAP. He is currently at my parents and his fence is so torn up that he keeps getting out and getting on the road. They & the police are very unhappy. Right now he is locked out in a pasture with no shelter, and it's been snowing. :/

5 goat babies were born last month.

If you remember Meg the frost bite rescue that is ugly. Every year we say we aren't going to breed her anymore, but she alays has such big healthy babies.

Well this year she popped out boy and girl twins. The boy is half black and half white! :ep He is so beautiful, and we've never had one like him. His personality is so neat too. He is so bold, and often goes wandering by himself, and he isn't scared of anything.

I'll get pictures up as fast as I can. I'm so behind.

Got lots more to share!