First is Larka. The doeling which I am keeping. Her name is from one of my favorite childhood books and means "fresh snow"
She has some weird genetics going on I can't figure out. First her mom is black, very strongly gened black. Larka was born pure white, she has gotten a little more cream colored. But still the lightest goat i've ever had. Not only that, but her skin is pink. I've never had a pink skinned goat. Only her nose is black, and the tip of her tail. Even her hooves are white. What the heck. I wonder if she has a defect or something. Whatever it is, she is so cute. And completely spoiled. She is crazy about licking me, and anytime i'm in the pen she lays on my lap and licks my face and sucks on my shirt. I only got one picture of her in focus because I had to run backwards and snap it while she was running at me.
You can see her little black nose.
Then I got some pictures of the two Angeliese boys. I'm keeping one. But I haven't figured out which one? Votes and suggestions would be very welcome.
Gabe (on the right) was my orignal pick. But his brother Puff is looking good too, and perhaps a little less pinched.
They have kind of ugly faces. They inherited their mama short nose. But Gabe got airplane ears and Puff's are more flat, short, and lower set.
They kind of have bug eyes too. haha. But I think they will grow into them.
Tulip's hair has grow completely back, and she is a very nice color now, and I think her type has improved a lot.
Went back to my house again today. Found out the pond does have fish in it, and got some more pictures!
Here is the back of the house. The lovely red addition is just great isn't it. ha.
Here's the front. I think it's kind of plain, but cute. Especially after some work, and some shutters.
Nice place. Funny how something as simple as shutters can make a huge difference. That's the first thing I thought when looking at the pic too - it needs shutters.
Beautiful House. We bought our old farm house about two years ago. It's so neat to see the before and after pics when you've finished the work. Good luck to you!
Got my wisdom teeth out finally on tuesday, so I have enjoying the time off work, and "resting." AKA going to the movies, working at my house, shopping for house stuff, and hanging out at Fiance's.
Went and bugged the poor construction workers at the local farm store for over an hour, and asked about everything from siding, shingles, shutters, windows, paint, concrete.... I think they were about to strangle me. By the time I left, I had 5 booklets of information, a beautiful blue shingle sample, a can of paint, a can of concrete patch, some brushes and some various other construction items.
I talked mom and a friend into going out to the house, and I scrubbed the outside with a wire brush, while they raked tons of trash out and burned it in the yard.
The renters didn't have trash pick up, so they just bagged up about 15 bags of trash and put it in the milk house, in which an animal got into and scattered everywhere.
Got most of the trash burned, now we just have to get the big junk out of there, and sweep up all the broken glass.
I don't know how I'm ever going to wire brush all the dirt and paint off though. I worked for a good while, and you can't even notice a difference. My dad is good at that stuff though. He brushed off our huge barn, so surely I could talk him into doing my tiny little milk house.
I was very happy to find a drain in the floor though! I was trying to figure out a way to drill a hole and lay pipes for a drain so it's easier to clean, but once the trash was away we found one already in place! I sure hope it works.
Sorry guys, I didn't snap any pictures of the inside.
I also picked up some pallets from the farm store, so soon I can begin transfering some of my hay supply over to the new house to stock up for winter.
You could try power washing the sides to get the dirt off. Sometimes that old dirt can be hard to get off but make sure the setting isn't too strong so not to take off any paint or if its an old mortar building to not disentigrate it.
Over the last week we have concrete patched most of the cracks on the front of the milk house, we also painted everything we patched.
Today I'll be going back out, and painting and patching hopefully the rest of the front.
Cleaned out the floor drains, and they do work. Although it's slow, and I don't know for how long. But I'm happy.
I sold 2 of my 3 horses. They are going to some friends with children that will give them a good home. Sadly I only got half the price I wanted, so I didn't even cut even with the cost of training I spent on one. But I decided it was worth it for them to go to a good home, where I can visit them.
I'll be sad that I will have to ride alone, and wont be able to have friends come ride with me, and I hope Toby isn't lonely. But last night when Dukie was reaching over the 'electric' fence and nearly getting out, I thought how relieved I'll be to see them go.
They are all three skinny, which is embarassing. :/ They eat a ton, but they haven't gotten to have any pasture time because of no rain. I'll be feeding them double time, so hopefully they can fatten up before they go to their new home.
My flock of SQ Light Brahmas which I drove 20 hours for them one of or the best breeder in the U.S. got ate the other night by a raccoon. One hen was still alive, and had to be shot. The birds have been nothing but trouble since I got them 2 years ago. Constantly sick, 2 of the hens were blind, and barely laid eggs. But they were the biggest birds I have ever seen, and beautiful. I was really hoping to hatch a bunch chicks out, and replace them. But I only got a handful of chicks in the last couple years from them. Oh well.
I need to take some pictures of some of the goat kids for a buyer, so we'll see if I can snap some milk house pictures too.